Always sunny on the clouds!?What is cosmic solar power generation?

Always sunny on the clouds!?What is cosmic solar power generation?

Image of cosmic solar power generation

Renewable energy such as sunlight, which is considered to be the main power supply for car caloral.However, there are issues that cannot be generated at night or cloudy days in sunlight.Then, there is a magnificent plan like a science fiction movie, which is to install solar panels in the "space" where the sun is always out.What are the possibilities and issues?

雲の上はいつも晴れ!? 宇宙太陽光発電とは

■ Occupational rate Almost 100 %?Planning in the universe that imagines in solar science fiction movies is progressing in reality.By 2050, the government states that the amount of greenhouse gas emissions is substantially zero, and renewable energy is positioned as "main power supply."Currently, solar power is the highest percentage of renewable energy.However, solar power generation is greatly affected by the weather.In particular, in the cloudy winter months, the amount of power generation is often zero, and in the end, the supply of thermal power is operated to adjust the supply.The plan for cosmic solar power is based on the idea of "should always generate electricity where sunlight is hit."

■ A magnificent plan that can be promoted in the universe

Image of power transmission

Professor Makoto Shinohara of Kyoto University will advance to launch a solar panel by launching satellites in outer space of 36,000 kilometers from the ground.It is assumed that it will start operation as a commercial power plant in 2050.It is estimated that developing a huge panel of two kilometers in two kilometers will enable one large power plant power to generated.While the operating rate of solar power on the ground is only 14 to 15 %, generating power in space can generate almost 100 %, 365 days a year.However, no matter how efficiently generated in the universe, it is meaningless unless it can be used on the ground.In fact, the concept of generating power in space itself was about 50 years ago, but this power transmission method was one of the walls.Professor Shinohara and his colleagues are studying electricity using microwaves used for microwave ovens and mobile phones.Change the energy collected by solar power to microwaves and send it to the ground using the antenna like a mobile phone.On the ground, a power receiving antenna is placed on a land of about 2 kilometers in diameter, receiving energy and converting it into electricity.Using the mechanism of power transmission in microwaves, the technology of "wireless power supply" that can be charged freely without applying a charger to the electronic device has already been established.The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is also developing legal development so that this technology can be used widely.Professor Shinohara says that the universe power generation, which was once said to have a dream, has a good cycle linked to business.

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