Honda's electric motorcycle replacement battery evolved "besides motorcycles, construction machinery, robots, use overseas!"

Honda's electric motorcycle replacement battery evolved "besides motorcycles, construction machinery, robots, use overseas!"

Detached and detachable portable battery evolved, "Mobile Power Pack E:"

The electric micro -sho bell "PC01" jointly developed by Honda and Komatsu.Make two mobile power packs as the power source


"PCX Electric", which was limited to leasing in 2018, the "Benry E:" series for business full -electric motorcycles that appeared in 2019, and the "Gyro E:" series that appeared in 2021.What is used is the deterred portable battery "Mobile Power Pack".[Image 17 points] From delivery vehicles to Indian taxis and heavy equipment!Honda's battery strategy is all about 10 kg of battery packs on the vehicle body to achieve moped or two -moped performance -equivalent performance and a variety of cruising range that can be used on a daily basis.In addition, since the "Mobile Power Pack" is assumed to be replaced, there is no need to wait for charging that is common in electric vehicles, and if you replace it with a battery full of battery stations, it can be operated immediately.In particular, the point of departure and returning is decided, and if you pool a charged battery, you can operate smoothly, and as you know, Benry E: are spreading for business use such as postal delivery.。Editorial Note -In the future, there are plans to make the post office a battery replacement station.

Honda's detachable portable battery has evolved to "Mobile Power Pack E:".Width 177 to make it compatible with the conventional battery.3mm, height 298mm, depth 156.The rated output based on the 3mm housing size or 50V has not changed, but the rated capacity is 1314 WH (up 25 %), and the weight is 10..It has been updated to 3kg (down 6 %).In addition, it has been announced that the price is 88,000 yen per piece, which is quite reasonable in terms of battery performance.From this, Honda may really understand that "Mobile Power Pack E:" is spread.In addition, Honda has a consortium for Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki, and KTM and Piaggios and replacement batteries overseas, but this time "Mobile Power Pack E:" is used by each company.It doesn't seem to be.It is a stance that Honda evolved its own detachable battery.


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