"USB PD", which I can't hear now, how faster the iPhone charging

"USB PD", which I can't hear now, how faster the iPhone charging

 The number of chargers compatible with PC and smartphone charging standards "USB PD (Power Delivery)" is increasing.Some people may not notice that USB PD is compatible, or use the USB PD without knowing what it is.This time, let's explain the USB PD charger that is even more difficult for people to hear now.USB Promoter Group has raised its output to up to 240 watts in May 2021..We announced the specifications of 1, but here we have USB PD 3 corresponding to the current product..Explain based on the specification of 0.

 The USB PD charger has been smaller, and the number of smaller and larger products is increasing than conventional products.In the case of a personal computer, the attached charger is often large and heavy.If the device used is compatible with USB PD, it can be replaced with a small USB PD charger.If you use it for a smartphone corresponding to the standard, it can be charged faster than before.

アンカー・ジャパンの急速充電器「Anker Nano II 65W」。USB PDに対応するパソコンやスマホの急速充電が可能となる。アマゾン(amazon.co.jp)での実勢価格は3990円(税込み)(出所:アンカー・ジャパン)[画像のクリックで拡大表示]

今さら聞けない「USB PD」、iPhoneの充電はどれだけ早くなるか

 USB PD can supply up to 100 watts.As a result, PCs and displays that require large power operate by power supply from the USB terminal.

 In the conventional USB standard, the voltage is determined to be 5 volts.It was difficult to raise the current, which was difficult to realize a large output.On the other hand, the new standard USB PD can increase the voltage up to 20 volts according to the connected device.To support a maximum of 5 amp -current current, you can supply up to 100 watts.

 Only USB type C terminals can be used for USB PD.Both the charging device and the charger must support USB PD.The USB type C terminal has a point of contact that transmits the information of the connection partner and the cable to be used, and based on that information, the charger is determined the power output.

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