Tokyo TV station "can you charge Tetsuro Onagawa?" Cooperation to realize the dream of "×" Hello Kitty! Hello Kitty, take that watermelon helmet!

Tokyo TV station "can you charge Tetsuro Onagawa?" Cooperation to realize the dream of "×" Hello Kitty! Hello Kitty, take that watermelon helmet!

Ballpoint pen and mascot

5 ballpoint pen sets 1,320円(税込)

5 ballpoint pen sets

Sticker 各440円(税込)


カーSticker 各770円(税込)


Flat box 4p set 550円(税込)

Flat box 4p set

3 sets of can badges 605円(税込)

3 sets of can badges

Paper towel bag 1320 yen (including tax)

Paper towel porch (son)

The flat package is 1320 yen (including tax)

A flat porch

The pencil case is 1320 yen (including tax)


Pen case (pen case)

The card box is 1320 yen (including tax)

In the case of card

Nui Gurmi BC mascot 1650 yen (including tax)

Nui Gurmi BC mascot

660 yen (including tax) covered with towels

Jagarde towels.

Socks are 550 yen each (including tax)

Socks (socks)

T-shirt (S, M, L, XL) is 3850 yen each (including tax)

T-shirt (S ·M ·L ·L ·XL)

Model (height 159cm): wear size L

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Company Love Building toll free number TEL.0120-334,337 (except 10:00-17:00 weekends and holidays) 2021 SANRIO CO.,LTD.L

Thank you TV TOKYO