Healthy smartphone on the left, smartphone with swollen battery on the right, slightly floating from the floor
The “Smartphone Battery Degradation Research Project” was launched in July 2020 by the mobile market and the Yokogawa Laboratory of the University of Electro-Communications i-Powered Energy System Research Center. It is said that the role and importance of batteries will increase as we move towards society in 2050. Based on the premise that the deterioration of batteries in information terminals such as smartphones is greatly affected by how users use them, This is an industry-academia collaboration project launched for the purpose of investigating and researching the tendency of battery deterioration based on how to use. Prior to this survey and research, under the supervision of Project Associate Professor Yo Ishigaki, Department of Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, the same university, we handle used mobile phones (feature phones, smartphones) and tablets on a scale of 100,000 per year. The percentage of battery deterioration (*) in the mobile market in 2020 (70% of all feature phones, 20% of smartphones and tablets each) and the rate of recent price valuation declines (average 10%) were hoarded at home. When multiplied by the total market value of 1,293.6 billion yen (announced by MM Research Institute, Inc. in 2017), the economic loss due to battery deterioration is estimated to be equivalent to 422 billion yen. "The 400 billion yen scale is about the same as the amount invested together with the Development Bank of Japan, the government and megabanks to support large companies affected by the spread of the new coronavirus infection, and it can be said that it is an economic loss that cannot be ignored. (Associate Professor Yo Ishigaki, Department of Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, the same university) (*) The definition of battery deterioration is that feature phones cannot be fully charged, and smartphones and tablets can be fully charged for iPhones. Refers to those with a capacity of 80% or less (according to the regulations of Reuse Mobile Japan, a general incorporated association). The "Smartphone Battery Deterioration Research Project" was divided into a total of two times (900 iPhone users each) in September 2020 and January 2020, and Internet surveys were conducted from 46 questionnaire items that are assumed to cause deterioration. I was. Based on the analysis of the questionnaire results, we will inform you of the results of analyzing and classifying user behavior that leads to deterioration. Users who play videos/games while the power is connected tend to have a higher battery deteriorationRelationship between age and charging while playing videos/games
According to a questionnaire survey conducted by the project, a wide range of generations, from young to seniors, using a smartphone to watch videos or play games while charging while connected to the charging adapter hastened the progress of battery deterioration. I was. As for the elderly, more than half of those who watch videos and half of those who play games are said to be charging while doing so. As for the younger generation, most of them "recharge while playing" videos and games. It seems that many people are connected to the Internet for more time due to the background of teleworking due to the corona disaster and requests for self-restraint, and it is assumed that the number of users who are always connected has increased in general. “Especially among the younger generation, there may be an obsession with feeling uneasy if the battery is not fully charged. The results also show that a high percentage of telework users use smartphones connected to Wi-Fi. It is assumed that there will be an increasing trend to use smartphones as devices for online meetings, and in the future, 'charging while holding an online meeting' will likely be one of the causes of battery deterioration." (Yokokawa) Professor Shinji) Don't update outdated OS/applicationsAccording to another questionnaire survey, users who have installed and set up software that can prevent battery deterioration and diagnose it are more likely than users who do not. It was found that the progress of deterioration was suppressed in comparison. By age group, there was a tendency for seniors to not install such software and battery deterioration was large. "In particular, seniors dislike changes in the user interface of their devices, and may tend to use the old OS and old applications as they are." (Professor Shinji Yokogawa)Games while charging Fever when playing
If you play games without charging, it will not heat up.
Based on user surveys so far, we compared the temperature difference between when you actually played a game while "charging" and when you just charged without playing a game. It was found that the heat generation tended to change significantly. The temperature difference due to heat generation is 8.9 degrees, and there is concern that the higher the temperature, the faster the deterioration of the battery, which will adversely affect the terminal. Based on the above, certain uses of smartphones can increase the heat generation of smartphones, which can lead to malfunctions and accidents. It is important to Smartphones are highly individualized, have a wide variety of capacities and shapes, and have different charging frequencies and operating environments. As a result, the deterioration mechanism is complicated, and it is difficult to predict the amount of deterioration. Furthermore, most of the terminals have a built-in battery, making diagnosis and evaluation difficult. Therefore, based on the survey method of this time, it is desirable to systematically and continuously acquire actual user data and evaluate it for each individual. The “Smartphone Battery Deterioration Research Project” will be monitored by a smartphone deterioration diagnosis app developed by the mobile market from summer to autumn in 2021 in order to collect and investigate specific data for each terminal (iPhone, android). We plan to collect and analyze data, measure the received power waveform using a USB PD measuring device, and announce highly accurate survey results linked to behavioral analysis by this fall. Based on this specific data, we will continue educational activities that promote safe and secure battery use in the 5G era and serve as guidelines for building a comfortable battery environment. Corporation name: The University of Electro-Communications i-Powered Energy System Research Center Yokokawa Laboratory Representative: Shinji Yokokawa Address: 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu-shi, Tokyo URL: http :// Company name: Mobile Market Co., Ltd. Representative: Hamaichi Awazu Founded: January 2009 Address: 1-1-17 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Dojinbocho 3rd Building 6F Business: Used mobile phone sales, support for used mobile phone affiliated stores, EC business, etc. Number of employees: 60 (including part-timers, as of March 2021) Mobile market e-commerce site: Other Rakuten, Yahoo! Shopping, etc. Operating 8 sites Mobile market corporate site: Rental service “Minna no Sumaho”: https:// you register as a media user, you can view various special information such as contact information for company representatives and information on events and press conferences. *The content varies depending on the press release.