Should I buy a "mobile phone for children" during the entrance season?Explain the price plan and precautions

Should I buy a "mobile phone for children" during the entrance season?Explain the price plan and precautions

Finally, I would like to talk about children's mobile phones at my house.

At the time of enrollment, there was no guidance from elementary school to buy it, and I did not purchase at first because I was reminded of "do not bring it", including a mobile phone for children.After school on weekdays, I went to school children, and I didn't feel the need at the beginning because I was picking up.

However, gradually increased friends, and on days without schoolchildren, friends have been invited to play.

入学シーズン、「子供向けケータイ」は買った方がいい? 料金プランや注意点を解説

One day, when I played in the park where I could see from the balcony at home, I went out and went out, so I was relieved because I was actually playing.When I went, I didn't have a daughter.

The first thing that comes to mind is that you are going up to your friend's house, but now that your neighborhood is fading, even if you know your friends and your parents, there are cultures like a circular board.I don't know the room because there is no.

I assumed the "worst pattern", but I came back to the park immediately after that, so I thought it was relieved to be relieved, and at the same time, I had to have a mobile phone for children so that I could understand the current location and get in touch.

Currently, he has a contract with a mobile phone for children and tells him to take it when he goes to play.Friendship has expanded steadily, and it is not uncommon for me to go to a friend's house of a friend I don't know, or go to another park at the starting point.

Still, you can get in touch, so if you don't find it, you can know where you are, and if there is no sign that the sun is leaning, you can contact me to return home, ask for the location and pick you up.The sense of security is great.

As I wrote earlier, the usage fee for children's mobile phones is about 1000 yen, including the optional services that parents join.By all means, if your child is an elementary school student, please let me go to play with confidence.
