Relying on a USB cable that can switch between data communication and power now

Relying on a USB cable that can switch between data communication and power now

It seems that the "USB cable dedicated to charging" is becoming a relic of the past.Probably, it is a standard to charge mobile phones and peripheral devices directly from the USB port of the computer.I guess there were not many.However, it seems that one type of cable that combines data communication and charging is good now, as it is natural to charge smartphones from USB chargers and mobile batteries.

The more functions you have, the better, or you don't know the spirit that serves as a small, but there are still situations where you still want "small".For example, an action cam (Micro USB), which is often used for online conferences and interviews, can be taken in data communication mode for some reason even if the power supply is a charger or a mobile battery when the data communication cable is connected to the power supply.It may disappear.So the charging dedicated cable is the safest.

Of course, charging dedicated cables are still on sale.It is sold on the Internet and to 100 yen shops.However, as you can see, the choice of charging dedicated cables is infinitely small.And it's just a plain cable without any decoration.In a 100 -yen shop, the charging dedicated cable was only on the Lightning terminal (one side).The Micro USB charging cable that I need is in danger of extinction.


There are a lot of USB cables at hand, but most are for data communication and charging, and the charging dedicated cable is almost zero.What should I do.When I was holding my head and wandering the net, I found a USB cable with a switch that could turn off the data communication and turn it off.

Micro USBのコネクターにスイッチがある。これをスライドさせるとデータ通信と給電を切り替えられる

This means that you can switch between data communication mode and power supply mode simply by sliding the switch provided on the Micro USB connector on the device side you want to charge.Like this time, it can be used when you want to use it while powering the action cam correctly.However, as described at the beginning, it seems that it is almost the original use that the connection device is not recognized on a personal computer when powering from a personal computer.

The USB cable that can switch mode with such a switch seems to have become popular in the era when peripheral devices were charging via a USB port on a personal computer, and many patterns have ended.It used to be available at a 100 -yen shop before, but I got it from the usual because I hadn't been anywhere in a few houses.I feel a little expensive, but I can't help it.

By the way, in the action cam, even if the switch was moved while the cable was connected, the mode did not change, and the perception of the device did not change unless you remove it once.So, if you want to use while switching between data communication and power supply, you need to pull out each time.I was originally the only purpose of power supply, so there is no problem for the time being.


Nevertheless, I decided to combine a "USB switch connector" because it is afraid of deterioration of the battery, and it is troublesome to deteriorate the battery every time I use it, and I am worried about the damage to the terminals.This is simply switching between all circuits on and off, and if you turn it off, you will not be able to supply power.If you keep the cable that switches between data communication and power supply, and turn on the "USB switch connector" only when using an action cam, you can continue to use it while suppressing the deterioration of terminals and batteries.It is also recommended to use a USB extension cable together to increase the usability of the switch.
