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Why is test automation not commonplace?Agile DevOps era speed and quality concept

Why is test automation not commonplace?Agile DevOps era speed and quality concept

At the beginning

 With the evolution of technology, the development speed has increased significantly, the system has become more complicated, and the required quality is increasing.Now that the term agile development and the word DevOps have become common, the problem of "speed and quality", which has been discussed many times so far, is not trade -off, but "how to realize both".Is it not?

 In the agile development and DevOps era, the word "agile testing" is the keyword to consider such tests and quality.In other words, it can be said to be "tests, quality, QA engineers, and testers in agile development."There are various schools in agile testing, so here we say "tests and quality assurance approaches to support agile development well" (reference: Agile Testing Questions -Jiri Kiri).

 Also, agile testing is not a process or methodology, but a mindset of engineers related to tests and quality, team culture, essential values and principles.Therefore, specific practices are not defined, so just reading the related literature may be stuck in mind sets and spiritualism.I didn't know what to do, so I'm still looking for a more specific practice method.

 However, there is no doubt that agile testing is an important keyword to balance speed and quality.Among them, "test automation" is becoming a central practice.

 In this series, it starts with the background of the test automation, and handles a wide range of strategies, tactics, and specific implementation methods for test automation.And aiming for the level of "recent test automation if you read this, you can almost understand the recent test automation", and take you to the agile testing world that balances speed and quality.

 なぜテスト自動化は当たり前にならないのか? アジャイル・DevOps時代のスピードと品質の考え方

 Let's start a journey for agile testing!

Assumed reader

 Test automation is only a means.Therefore, it is important to understand agile testing realized by testing.This time, it focuses on testing, but the realization of agile testing requires other factors.In this series, only a few points are touched.

Agile development / DevOps era tests and quality

 Why is test automation important now?

 If it was a conventional development, it was common to define requirements, design and develop, test and release.In the era when what to make, this way is very efficient.

 However, if you do not know what to make (it is extremely difficult for users to make what you really want), if you have to grow your business after release, the conventional development method is.The lead time is long and you may have made it, but it may be "not used by anyone ...".

 Recently, "Agile Development" and "DevOps", which have been used as a matter of course, are not a straight -line development, but a method of repeated development and operation while repeating development and operation.

 With these, we will release a smaller service and system while receiving user feedback.If you don't know what to make, it's effective to make a little and improve it while having a user try it.

 With the spread of frameworks such as scrums, I feel that agile development has become "natural" in the last 10 years.So, did the tests and quality become agile?Development is agile, but tests and quality are waterfall.I think there are still many such sites.

 If Agile Development had left the tests and quality, he would have to regain the delay in the next ten years.