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Why is SoftBank Air bad?Thoroughly elucidated the truth from reviews and word of mouth!

Why is SoftBank Air bad?Thoroughly elucidated the truth from reviews and word of mouth!

Before the SoftBank Air (SoftBank Air) contract, you want to know reputation and word -of -mouth information.

Here is the result of summarizing the reputation of SoftBank Air in 2022!

通信速度★★☆☆☆ (2/5点)オンラインゲームをするには速度が足りない
月額料金★★★★☆ (4/5点)2年間実質月額3,078円で使える!
キャッシュバック★★★★★ (5/5点)・17,000円キャッシュバック ・他社違約金をキャッシュバック
その他キャンペーン★★★★★ (5/5点)Softbankスマホとのセット割 ソフトバンク光への乗り換えなど
エリアの広さ★★★☆☆ (3/5点)全国的にエリアは拡大中 他のモバイル回線と比べるとエリアは少し狭い
カスタマーサポート★★★☆☆ (3/5点)混雑して電話が繋がらないことも。 電話につながれば丁寧に対応してくれる

* When applying via Mobaleko Air

It is recommended for those who can not expect the communication speed but want to pull the Internet cheaply!

After investigating word -of -mouth and reputation, SoftBank Air is recommended for the following people!


On the other hand, if you are a good online game or 4K high -quality videos, we recommend that you use a optical line that can perform stable high -speed communication!


As of 2022, Mobaleko Air, which can contract 55,192 yen cheaper than the official, is recommended to contract SoftBank Air.

This time, as a result of investigating the word -of -mouth and reputation of SoftBank Air, we will explain in detail recommended people and those who do not, so please refer to them.

* This article is information as of February 2022.


Jump to the commentary

See in detail on the official website

  1. [Conclusion] If you do not want high -speed communication, "SoftBank Air" is OK!
  2. Analyze good reputation!Soft Bank Air 6 merits ★No construction required!It can be opened just by connecting to an outlet ★Monthly fee is low ★There are no restrictions on monthly or 3rd traffic ★You can get a set discount with Soft Bank Smartphone ★No penalty required to transfer to Softbank Hikari ★Cashback campaign is also luxurious
  3. Analyze bad reputation!Soft Bank Air 6 points of precautions ★契約プランや申込窓口によってお得度が変わる ★If you do not use it for 3 years, you will be charged the remaining debt of the terminal fee. ★Especially at night, the communication speed tends to be slow ★The provided area is relatively narrow ★The line is stopped when used outside the registered address ★Customer support is difficult to connect to the phone
  4. 【比較結果】ソフトバンクエアーは申込窓口によって料金・キャンペーンが変わる
  5. Frequently asked questions in SoftBank Air contracts
  6. summary

[Conclusion] If you do not want high -speed communication, "SoftBank Air" is OK!

The communication speed by SoftBank Air is as follows.

In other words, it is thought that it can be comfortably used during weekdays during the day, but it is limited to crowded times such as night and weekends and holidays.

However, in any time, it can be said that you can read smoothly if you are not required to speed up such as SNS or online surfing.

I watch a lot of videos, but can't you watch the video at all?

SoftBank Air can be watched if it is a standard image quality video such as YouTube.

The following is a summary of the necessary communication speeds for each application.

ネット検索 メール・LINE1Mbps
YouTube標準画質 (1080P)5Mbps
4K動画 オンラインゲーム25Mbps

I investigated the actual measured values of SoftBank Air, but 37 on average per day.34Mbps, average 17 average even at crowded nights.It is 46Mbps and it can be said that there is no problem if it is a general video viewing.

However, it is important to note that SoftBank Air receives radio waves and connects to the Internet, so it may not be possible to use it comfortably depending on the radio environment.

In summary, SoftBank Air is especially recommended for the following people.

  1. 日中にインターネットを多く利用する人
  2. ネットサーフィンや標準画質の動画視聴などで主に利用する人


As a result of the survey, you can basically play online games with SoftBank Air, but it is not recommended for those who want to enjoy it in earnest.

As mentioned earlier, depending on the environment of the use location, the communication speed may be slow, and the speed tends to be slow at night.

If you don't have a satisfactory speed to use and play games, use the initial contract cancellation system.

▼初期契約解除制度 利用開始日から8日以内に申請すれば解約金かからずキャンセルできる制度

If you are worried about whether you can play the game at home, you can try it once!

If you apply for SoftBank Air, Mobaleko Air is a great deal!

It is best to apply for SoftBank Air via Mobaleko Air.

Below are the real charges and cashbacks of 11 applications for two years.

* You can scroll to the side.

2年間の 実質月額料金月額料金キャッシュバック2年間の合計受け取り時期オプション

If you apply with Mobaleko Air, you can contract about 65,000 yen cheaper than the official application.

Currently, we are also conducting a 17,000 yen cashback campaign that can be received at the end of the following month, so it is very advantageous.

In addition, the number of years of SoftBank Air is usually two years, but you can contract only if you apply from Mobaleko Air.

You can also use a special free trial of "U-NEXT" where you can watch more than 200,000 videos.

The lack of penalties when you cancel is a merit that only Mobaleko Air is.


See more about SoftBank Air


If there are many downloads such as games and high -quality videos, "optical line" is recommended.

For those who play online games or download high -quality videos such as 4K, we recommend the “optical line” that can communicate at high speeds such as 1Gbps up and down.

Instead of opening the optical line, you can communicate more stable than "home routers" that do not require construction such as SoftBank Air.

As summarized in the table below, it is more advantageous to the optical line than SoftBank Air.


It is recommended to decide on the optical line to apply according to the contract and usage status of the surrounding services that can apply discounts, such as the smartphone you are using!

As of February 2022, the recommended optical lines are as follows.


V6 plus compatible router is free!The only docomo user chooses here because you can assign a set with DOCOMO Smartphone!

Check the details of DOCOMO Hikari


Softbank smartphone users "NURO Hikari"


The download speed is up to 2Gbps!This is the line that the price is good and the cospa -oriented person, and the SoftBank user should first consider it.* After confirming the area, Softbank Hikari is recommended if it is outside the area!



For au smartphone users "au Hikari"


The line is less crowded on the independent line!au users can use it even more with a set discount!



Find the best options based on your mobile phone and smartphone.


Analyze good reputation!Soft Bank Air 6 merits

The following six benefits of SoftBank Air are listed:

  1. No construction required!It can be opened just by connecting to an outlet
  2. Monthly fee is low
  3. There are no restrictions on monthly or 3rd traffic
  4. You can get a set discount with Soft Bank Smartphone
  5. Cashback campaign is also luxurious
  6. No penalty required to transfer to Softbank Hikari★タップで各項目にスクロールします

I will explain each, so please think carefully about whether SoftBank Air is right for me.

1.No construction required!It can be opened just by connecting to an outlet

SoftBank Air can be used without opening work.

If you connect the arrived Air Terminal to the outlet, you will be able to communicate.

When I checked SNS, I found a voice using SoftBank Air because of the simplicity of the introduction.

Of course, there is no line construction cost!

The charm of SoftBank Air is that you can start using it easily and without burden.


Softbank air can be easily used, but what I want to be careful about is that you can only use it at home.

SoftBank Air is an outlet -driven, and is not allowed to use it other than the contracted address.

Please note that you cannot use the Internet freely on the go, as it cannot be carried.

If you want to carry it outside, use a pocket type WiFi.

As of 2022, THE WiFi is recommended for pocket -type WiFi that can be used up to 100g per month.

We also have a trial campaign for 30 days, so it is highly recommended for those who are worried about whether to use SoftBank Air or Pocket WiFi.

【THE WiFi】 ▼100GBプランで最安のポケット型WiFi

See in detail on the official website


SoftBank also offers pocket-type Wi-Fi, but SoftBank's Pocket WiFi shares the plan of smartphone and capacity, or contracts a plan by itself.

If you sign up for a plan with Pocket WiFi alone, there is a capacity limit and usually costs 8,228 yen per month!

If you sign up for a pocket type Wi-Fi, we recommend the WiFi contract because you can communicate with cheap and sufficient capacity.

2.Monthly fee is low

SoftBank Air usually costs 4,880 yen per month, but if you sign a contract via the agency "Mobaleko Air", the monthly fee will be very cheap.

The following table summarizes the monthly fee for contracting SoftBank Air via Mobaleko Air.

機器を購入する 「単品購入プラン」2,167円3,679円
Softbankスマホと セット割する 「おうちセット割プラン」2,717円4,049円

As shown in the table, Mobaleko Air can use SoftBank Air from the cheapest at the cheapest level.

The low monthly fee was popular on SNS!



Softbank air can be used at a great price because the monthly fee is not required and the Mobaleko Air is also reduced.

3.There are no restrictions on monthly or 3rd traffic

WiMAX has an upper limit on high -speed communication in month or last three days, but not in SoftBank Air.

ギガ放題プラン直近3日間に10GB使っている場合は、 翌日18時~翌々日2時に1Mbps程度に制限

Looking at the word -of -mouth reputation, I found many voices that were attractive that there were no severe restrictions.


However, even with SoftBank Air, there may be temporary restrictions when it is crowded at night or when using videos for service stabilization.

I will introduce it in detail in the latter half of this article, so please read it as it is!

4.You can get a set discount with Soft Bank Smartphone

If you have a SoftBank Air, you can use the house discount set.

In the home -discount set, you can discount up to 1,100 yen x 10 lines per month for SoftBank's smartphone line every month.

Also, Y! Mobile also receives a monthly discount of up to 1,100 yen x 10 lines as well!

Some voices used SoftBank Air because of the set discount with a smartphone.

ソフトバンクエアー セット割引への口コミ

SoftBank Air is a great option for SoftBank users who want to use the set discount!

5.Cashback campaign is also luxurious

Softbank Air has developed a "Anshin Transfer Campaign" that cash backs up to 100,000 yen for transfer from other companies' Internet lines.

If you switch from a pocket type Wi-Fi, you can also cash back the router's terminal remaining bonds with the upper limit of 42,000 yen.(Burning up to 100,000 yen in total of terminal remaining debt and penalties)

The penalty can be received by uploading a certificate that shows the cancellation fee to My SoftBank or mailing using a certificate pasting sheet!


In addition, if you apply for SoftBank Air via Mobaleko Air, you can also receive a 17,000 yen cashback.

On Twitter, some voices were fascinated by the fulfillment of cashback.


Being able to start using it at a great price after receiving a high cashback is an advantage that SoftBank Air cannot be overlooked!

6.No penalty required to transfer to Softbank Hikari

In order to play videos and games comfortably, I would like to consider the possibility of switching to an optical line in the future.

Even if an optical line is required in the future, there will be no penalty for switching from SoftBank Air to SoftBank Hikari.

The advantage of choosing SoftBank Air is that you can do it without burdening the introduction of high -speed optical lines.

Analyze bad reputation!Soft Bank Air 6 points of precautions

So far, we have introduced the good reputation of SoftBank Air, but on the other hand, SoftBank Air has the following precautions.

  1. 契約プランや申込窓口によってお得度が変わる
  2. 4年間使わないと違約金が発生してしまう
  3. Especially at night, the communication speed tends to be slow
  4. The provided area is relatively narrow
  5. The line is stopped when used outside the registered address
  6. Customer support is difficult to connect to the phone★タップで各項目にスクロールします

Let's check together!Check carefully before applying for precautions.

If you do not use it for 3 years, you will be charged the remaining debt of the terminal fee.

SoftBank Air has no contract period.

However, if you purchase the AIR terminal split, if you do not use it for 3 years, you will be charged for the remaining terminal.

The AIR terminal is a mechanism to pay the split price over three years!

Please note that the first time you can cancel completely free of charge, as in the following table, is the 37th month.

2年間の契約満了時 (24ヶ月目)23,760円 (Airターミナル残債1,980円×12ヶ月)
契約から3年間の経過時 (37ヶ月目以降)0円

However, if you contract SoftBank Air and cancel within 8 days, you can cancel the terminal and cancellation fee free of charge.

Also, if you contract the AIR terminal by rental, you can cancel free of charge as of the 24th month.

The fact that you can't cancel easily is the precautions of SoftBank Air.

Especially at night, the communication speed tends to be slow

SoftBank Air tends to slow down at night when the line is crowded.

The "average speed" of the person who actually contracts SoftBank Air is compiled by time!

朝 (5:00~8:59)86.56Mbps
昼 (12:00~12:59)64.44Mbps
夕方 (16:00~18:59)21.41Mbps
夜 (20:00~22:59)15.3Mbps
深夜 (0:00~4:59)56.09Mbps

The average speed at night is 15.It is 3Mbps, which has dropped sharply compared to the evening.

However, 15.If you get 3Mbps, you can read it if it is about surfing or SNS information.

On the other hand, downloading online games and apps has a large capacity, so it takes time to read it at night.

Communications with large capacity such as downloads need to be done during the day.

ソフトバンクエアー 夜間の通信速度に関する口コミ

When I checked the word of mouth, I was dissatisfied with the speed at night.

If you use the Internet, especially at night, you need to be careful.


The average ping value of SoftBank Air is 49.5ms.

Pingとは? オンラインゲームを快適に遊ぶために重要で、数値が下がるほどラグが出にくくなります。 ラグとは? 画面と自分の操作のズレのこと。

The following table summarizes the ping values and the guide for lags.

Ping値30~50ラグが出始める。 特にFPSなど弾を撃つゲームだと、 ラグの分だけ連射速度が落ちるので不利になる。
Ping値100以上カクつきがひどく「ラグい」状態。 オンラインゲームには不向きな状態。

The ping value of SoftBank Air is slightly higher, and tends to be less suitable for game play such as FPS.

If you want to play online games at any time, we recommend introducing an optical line!


The provided area is relatively narrow

SoftBank Air has a nationwide area.

However, the area cover rate is lower than that of SoftBank-based Pocket type Wi-Fi such as NEXT Mobile, which is developed by other companies.

SoftBank Air uses a communication method different from smartphone lines, so the area is narrowed!

Although the area cover rate in the city center is high, it may be that there are many places in the country where area expands.



#Softbank Air #Outside #Router remaining debt

- Tabizuma (@tabizuma) April 9, 2021

When applying for SoftBank Air, the area search is performed by the operator.

If your home is judged outside the area, you can't apply!

If you can't apply for SoftBank Air at home, apply for another Internet line service.


SoftBank Air is a mobile line service of up to 962 Mbps down, but the communication speed varies depending on the provided area.

Check the communication speed at home in advance from the area confirmation window.

※最大速度はあくまで仕様上の最大速度です。 実際に出るスピードは、「Especially at night, the communication speed tends to be slow」の項目で紹介した時間帯別平均速度を参考にしてください。

The line is stopped when used outside the registered address

Softbank air cannot be used other than registered addresses.

If you communicate outside the registered address, the line may eventually stop.

SNS has posted an experience of "restricted".Be careful when contracting!


If you want to communicate freely outside of your home, we recommend pocket-type Wi-Fi services such as WiMAX.


Customer support is difficult to connect to the phone

SoftBank Air customer support is crowded when lunch or communication failure occurs.

Also, avoid the crowded time from 13:00 to 14:00, and ask with plenty of time.

By the way, in 2020, the number of Internet users increased rapidly due to the influence of the new colon virus.

The number of users will increase, making it difficult to connect to the Internet, and it will be difficult to connect to the inquiry window.

Looking at the reputation, there were voices at the inquiry window that it was not very good.

On the other hand, a popular voice was posted on the response after being connected to the window.

From the above, the reputation of customer support is a pros and cons.

SoftBank Air varies depending on the plan and application window

SoftBank Air has a different degree of use for each window or contract plan.

This time, we compared the actual charges and cashbacks of 11 applications for two years!

* You can scroll to the side.

2年間の 実質月額料金月額料金キャッシュバック2年間の合計受け取り時期オプション

In order to apply for SoftBank Air at a great price, it is important to compare and narrow down the window.

Considering the cashback alone, the following three companies are advantageous.

However, if you focus on the real charge for two years, the cheapest plan is "Mobaleko Air"!


What kind of application window is Mobaleko Air?

You can apply for SoftBank Air on the official website, but it is advantageous to apply via Mobaleko Air, which has its own monthly discount.

Mobaleko Air is a router sold as an alliance model of SoftBank Air.In other words, the same SoftBank Air is the same as the name is different.

Since you can sign up for 46,340 yen cheaper than applying for the official SoftBank Air, we recommend Mobaleko Air that can be contracted cheaper if you sign up for SoftBank Air.

月額料金 1~2ヶ月目:2,167円 3~24ヶ月目:3,679円 25ヶ月目以降:5,368円1~2ヶ月目:2,706円 3~24ヶ月目:4,218円 25ヶ月目以降:5,907円
端末料金 71,280円(実質無料)月額539円
その他キャンペーン・他社違約金・撤去工事費満額還元 ・おうち割 光セット スタートキャンペーン ・U-25限定 SoftBank Air割引 ・U-NEXT特別無料トライアル

Mobaleko Air has two types: a plan to purchase a terminal and a plan to rent.In the case of a terminal purchase, you pay 71,280 yen for 36 times, but the campaign is actually free, so you can reduce the real charge.However, be careful if you cancel within 36 months, you will be charged for the remaining debt of the terminal.

If you purchase a terminal and cancel in 24 months, you will be charged a 12 -month remaining debt 23,760 yen at once.

In addition, SoftBank Air can be canceled without cancellation fee within eight days of arrival.

If you are worried about SoftBank Air, but are worried that you can use it comfortably at home, why not try a contract first and try the speed and connection status?


See more about SoftBank Air



The reviews of Mobaleko Air are as follows, and have been popular with low prices and communication speeds.

Frequently asked questions in SoftBank Air contracts

Finally, we will answer frequently asked questions in SoftBank Air contracts.

  1. How fast is SoftBank Air actually?
  2. Is SoftBank Air limited to monthly capacity?
  3. AIR Terminal 4NEXT and 5, which is good?
  4. Softbank air speed is slow!Is there a way to improve?
  5. Where are the inquiries about SoftBank Air?
  6. How to cancel and cancel SoftBank Air for free?
  7. I want to know how to cancel the SoftBank Air and the penalty

Please check each and resolve your questions.

How fast is SoftBank Air actually?

According to the actual measured values of SoftBank Air, the average download speed was 45..27Mbpsでていることがわかりました。参照:みんなのネット回線速度

This is a speed that is no problem even if you watch a video.

However, it is important to note that the speed changes depending on the location and time of use.

The details are explained here, so please take a look.

Is SoftBank Air limited to monthly capacity?

SoftBank Air has no limit on monthly capacity.

For this reason, there is no limit of 10g in three days like a WiMAX home router, so it is recommended for those who want to use a lot of videos with large capacity.

The details are explained here.

AIR Terminal 4NEXT and 5, which is good?

There are currently AIR Terminal 4next and 5 among the SoftBank Air devices that you can currently apply for.

If you can choose which one, we recommend the latest 5G AIR Terminal 5.

AIR Terminal 4NEXT and 5 specifications are as follows!If it is 5, it supports 5G

サイズ高さ225mm 横幅103mm 奥行103mm高さ225mm 横幅103mm 奥行103mm

The average communication speed was faster for the AIR Terminal 5.

5 is recommended if you value speed!But if you want to reduce the terminal fee, consider using AIR Terminal 4next!

Softbank air speed is slow!Is there a way to improve?

SoftBank Air tends to decrease at night, but can be improved to some extent using a solution.

This time, I will explain three main solutions!

  1. 有線接続を行う
  2. 窓際に置く
  3. パラボラアンテナを試してみる

① 有線接続を行う

The AIR terminal comes with a LAN cable, so you can connect to a PC or game console without extra money.

Radio waves are hard to weaken due to obstacles for wired connections!It is easier to do stable communication than wireless!

② 窓際に置く

The AIR terminal is a mechanism that communicates with radio waves from the outside, so if you have an obstacle, you will not be able to receive radio waves well.

Place it by the window so that you can receive radio waves as much as possible.

③ パラボラアンテナを試してみる

Make a parabolic antenna using aluminum foil or bowl and put it behind the AIR terminal.

Receiving radio waves in a larger area may improve the communication speed of SoftBank Air.


Where are the inquiries about SoftBank Air?

Questions about SoftBank Air are basically contacting SoftBank Air official support.

電話番号0800-1111-820 ※「186」をつけて186-0800-1111-820にかければ、 契約者の確認といった手順が減らされるのでスムーズに問い合わせが進みますよ。
受付時間(平日)10:00~19:00 (土日)問い合わせ内容による

Also, if the phone is not easily connected, we recommend "SoftBank Air Folding Telephone Reservation".

In addition, please contact the application window used for any questions regarding cashback, etc. limited to the application window.

How to cancel and cancel SoftBank Air for free?

SoftBank Air has an initial contract cancellation system that allows you to cancel 8 days.

If it is difficult to continue the contract because the radio wave does not reach well, contact the next window within 8 days from the start date.


The cancellation fee is free, but be careful as you need to pay the monthly fee on a daily basis!

I want to know how to cancel the SoftBank Air and the penalty

Cancel the SoftBank Air and call the SoftBank Air Support Center.

電話番号0800-1111-820 ※「186」をつけて186-0800-1111-820にかければ、 契約者の確認といった手順が減らされるのでスムーズに問い合わせが進みますよ。

The cancellation fee is 10,450 yen, but it can be canceled for free in the 24th month renewal month.

And if you purchase the AIR terminal by split, be careful as you will be charged for the remaining debt until the 36th month!



See the overall evaluation of SoftBank Air, which summarizes the latest reputation in 2022.

通信速度★★☆☆☆ (2/5点)オンラインゲームをするには速度が足りない
月額料金★★★★☆ (4/5点)2年間実質月額3,078円で使える!* When applying via Mobaleko Air
キャッシュバック★★★★★ (5/5点)・有料オプション不要で17,000円キャッシュバック* When applying via Mobaleko Air ・他社違約金をキャッシュバック
その他キャンペーン★★★★★ (5/5点)Softbankスマホとのセット割、 ソフトバンク光への乗り換えサポートなど
エリアの広さ★★★☆☆ (3/5点)全国的にエリアは拡大している。 しかし、他のモバイル回線と比べるとエリアは少し狭いです。
カスタマーサポート★★★☆☆ (3/5点)電話につながれば丁寧に対応してくれる しかし、混雑して電話が繋がらないことも。

SoftBank Air mainly tends to be highly evaluated in low prices and campaigns.

On the other hand, it is not suitable for watching online games and high -quality videos because the line is crowded at night and the speed is likely to decrease.

From the above, SoftBank Air is recommended!

If you are online for online games and videos, we recommend WiMAX Home Routers rather than SoftBank Air!

And when applying for SoftBank Air, we recommend Mobaleko Air, which has a lot of monthly discounts and cashbacks.

Refer to this commentary, please consider whether you should introduce SoftBank Air!

Average speed reference in the article: Everyone's net line speed ★ Data as of February 2022 ★ If there is no specific description, the display price is tax included
