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What I learned using the tone mobile "ONE Messenger" that allows "natural watching" with AI (page 1/2)

What I learned using the tone mobile "ONE Messenger" that allows "natural watching" with AI (page 1/2)

 The means of communicating with mobile phones has changed with the times.In the mobile phone era, short messages (SMS) and career emails were the mainstream, but since smartphones have spread, SNS has become a new means of communication.It became much more convenient and more fun than in the mobile phone era, but there is a risk that children use SNS to burn or get caught in crime.

 According to the National Police Agency, the number of children victims due to SNS in 2020 (2nd year) is 1819.12 from the previous year.Although it has decreased by 6 %, it has been increasing since 2013, and in the past 5 years since 2016, 4.It has increased by 8 %.The victims are nearly 90 % of high school and junior high school students.In addition, 85 among the victims who have found that filtering is used..5 % is not used in the event of damage.


 The crime caused by SNS is on the rise, but if your parents manage your smartphone and limit the available functions, you should be able to prevent them.However, if you limit SNS just because it is dangerous, it will be difficult to get in touch with parents and children.Due to real -time exchanges, the ease of stamps, and the ease of sending photos, many families use SNS messenger functions among parent and child, and it is an issue for both safety and security and convenience.

 What I want to pay attention to is the Messenger application "ONE Messenger" provided by Tone Mobile.

AI supports family communication, security and security!"ONE Messenger"

 General SNS messengers can be communicated with anyone and are convenient, but they have many functions that are not used, and may be involved in troubles such as fraud and bullying.Recently, super app conversion has become a trend, but there are concerns that children can use all services in one app, and there are concerns about security issues such as increasing information leakage due to mistakes by administrators.。

AIで“自然な見守り”ができる トーンモバイル「Oneメッセンジャー」を使って分かったこと(1/2 ページ)

 On the other hand, Tone Mobile ONE Messenger is a simple and secure messenger exclusively for families.It can be said that it is an unprecedented next -generation messenger that the administrator is clear and can only be connected to those who have to be connected.Apps for iOS and Android are available, and can be used other than tone mobile smartphones.


 The main feature is that AI can watch the child and communicate with the family at the start of AI and exchange safety measures.When the terminal to be watched on the train, the AI will notify you in a message, and you will receive a message such as a walking smartphone or a dusty state.Even if you are far away, you can naturally understand where the target target is and in what state it is, so you have a strong sense of security.When a message such as leaving the school is out of the school, communication may be activated by AI, such as "Please come back early without stopping."


 Furthermore, when a parent sends a message "#Where", the child's current location is sent, "#Now?"The function of "will be implemented soon).


 In the past, even if these were detected with the tone watching function, they were only notified to their parents' smartphones.This time, the unification of processes such as notifications and location confirmation with messenger UI has realized a unprecedented next -generation messenger.

 When I actually tried it, every time a child moved by train or bus, I was notified by messenger, and if I was uneasy, if I asked "#Where?"。The notification of the smartphone seems to be complicated, but I realized that the notification of the One Messenger was an important news between parents and children.

 As a parent, I'm worried about whether my child is in a safe place or as planned.ONE Messenger solves such anxiety with a daily tool called messenger.It becomes natural to send messages each time from AI, and if you are not sent, you can use it in a way that is familiar to your life, such as a little worrisome, so it is easy to use as a guardian.

 The message can only be interacted with the registered partner, and the parent who is a guardian becomes the administrator.Up to 10 people can interact.Because it is a messenger that does not connect with an unspecified number of users, it is safe to protect children from danger.


 The One Messenger also has a "self -portrait prevention function" that cannot store or send inappropriate photos such as naked photos.The tone mobile smartphone is equipped with a "TONE camera" that makes it impossible to shoot or store inappropriate images with AI to prevent self -portrait damage, but images sharing via general SNS messenger apps.I can't prevent it.However, ONE Messenger can prevent the sharing of inappropriate images as in the TONE camera.It is safer to set the child's smartphone to use a TONE camera and one messenger.
