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Dollar shortages are becoming a realistic problem due to the global prices soaring and the depreciation of the yen.In the era when Japanese exports were active, they received dollars as exported products, making it easy to secure foreign currency.However, as the factory has been relocated overseas, trade distribution due to trade has decreased, and prices rise and depreciation of the yen have been added.In the future, it is necessary to promote financial markets so that foreign currency can be secured regardless of export.
Economic critic Keiichi Katani
Economic critic Keiichi Katani
Keiichi Kayaya Economic critic 1969 Born in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. After graduating from the Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University, he joined Nikkei BP as a reporter. He turned to the Nomura Securities Group's investment fund management company and was in charge of corporate evaluation and investment business. After independence, he engaged in consulting work on the central government and government -affiliated financial institutions. Currently, he is writing in various fields such as economy, finance, business, and IT. He has authored "Poor Country Nippon" (Gentosha Shinsho), "The Road to Million Ends is written in economics" (Cross Media Publishing), "Feeling Economics" (SB Creative), and "Post New Industry Revolution" (CCC Media House), "Study of New Wealthy List -New Mechanisms to Change the Japanese Economic" (Shodensha Shinsho), "The Essence of War and Economic Economy" (General Law Shuppan).
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日本は、原油や天然ガスなどエネルギー関連で約11兆円、鉄鋼石や非鉄金属など原材料で約4.7兆円、食品類で6.7兆円など総額で70兆円近くの輸入を行っている。原材料や金属類、繊維類などは最終製品となって輸出されるので、外貨獲得につながるが、食品類は多くは日本国内で消費されてしまう。エネルギーについても暖房や自動車の燃料分に関しては国内消費向けなので、外貨の獲得にはつながらない。 海外の物価が高騰すれば、その分だけドルでの買い付け額が大きくなり、日本企業はより多くのドルを用意しなければ輸入決済ができなくなる。日本企業がドルを確保するたびに実需でのドル買いが発生し、為替は基本的に円安に向かいやすくなる。円安が進むと、輸入物価が上昇し、さらに多額のドルが必要になるという悪循環になりかねない。【次ページ】ドル不足に拍車かける?「新興国の経済成長」と「米中対立」Recommended article
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