December 17, 2021
KDDI Co., Ltd.
That very popular "Omoi Mobile Hen Restart" will be held at GINZA 456!Digital production that immersed in memories throughout the space -Experience connecting the past and the present with real and digital-
From January 7, 2022 to January 9, 2022, KDDI will be "GINZA 456 Connection Project Mobile Restart Mobile Hetai" at the KDDI concept shop "GINZA 456 Created by KDDI" (GINZA 456).We will hold an event (hereinafter, this event).
"Omoi Hettai Restart" is an event that restarts old mobile phones whose power is no longer turned on using a special device to remove important memories such as photos and emails.
In this event, the mobile phone (Note 1) used in the past will be charged and restarted (Note 2), and photos of your memories will be printed and handed over with the special photo frame.
In addition, customers who are using mobile phones other than Fit and customers who have mobile phones other than Fit can participate.
In addition, as a production unique to GINZA 456, we will provide the following experiences in addition to the contents of the mobile phone restart.
You can immerse yourself in memories throughout the space
On the entire wall screen, you will project past mobile phone lineup current affairs news, trend information, etc., and miss the time with nostalgic memories.
The important photo will be given in the GINZA 456 original photo frame.
(Https: // www.Fit.This M / I want to go out /)
Instagram: @Fit_omoide_official
Twitter: @omoid_official
<"GINZA 456 Created by KDDI" official website>
(https: //
■ Event overview
The mobile phone restart is "Omoide Mobile Time Travel" in July 2016 (https: //のコンテンツとしてFit Style SHINJUKUで初めて開催しました。1年後の2017年8月より正式に「おもいでケータイ再起動」としてFit Style NAGOYAをはじめ、全国のKDDI・沖縄セルラー直営店や各地イベント会場などで開催し、今までに、のべ8,300名以上のお客さまに体験いただきました。参加いただいたお客さまからは「ケータイに電源入らず、もう諦めていた写真や動画が見られて嬉しい!」、「今はもう会えない家族の写真や留守電メッセージが復活できて嬉しい!」、「忘れていた思いが蘇るとともに、もう一度頑張ろうと思った!」など、多くの喜びの声をいただいています。
This time, you can enjoy the "Omoi Mobile Phone Restart" event with the unique production of GINZA 456, and enjoy the experience of connecting the past and the present.
Click here for the voice of the customer who experienced "Omoi Hetai Restart"
(https: //
Click here for the previous report
(https: // bid = co_prts_krl_0171)
(1) Date and time
Friday, January 7, 2022 10: 30-19: 30
Saturday, January 8, 2022 10: 30-19: 30
Sunday, January 9, 2022 10: 30-18: 15
(2) Place
GINZA 456 Created by KDDI basement floor
4-4-15 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061
(3) Contents
(1) If the mobile phone is not charged for a certain period of time, the battery may not be charged or the rechargeable device may not be recognized due to the complete discharge of the battery or over -discharge, so the best charging for each battery to restart the mobile phone.You will need a special device "Battery Tester" that can be performed.
In this event, a "battery tester" will be set up at the venue and we will support customers' "Omoi mobile phone restart".By charging and restarting a mobile phone that has not been charged, the nostalgic photo that the customer has given up will be printed again and put it in the special photo frame.
②Fitの大人気コンテンツである「Fitケータイ図鑑」と過去の時事コンテンツが、GINZA 456の壁面スクリーン一面に現れます。「当時、このケータイ使っていた!」「あの頃にこれ流行っていた!」「こんなニュースあった!」など、当時を懐かしんでいただく非日常体験を空間全体でお楽しみいただけます。
(3) Combine the revived memories and your favorite frame to project it on the wall screen, and take photos together (Note 3).You can take a picture alongside the old photos of your couple and your family, or take a picture with your favorite family and pets, so you can take it home as a "new page of new memories from tomorrow".receive.
(4) Participation reservation site
■ About "GINZA 456 Created by KDDI"
Fit 5Gや先端テクノロジーを活用しお客さまの想像を体験に変え「おもしろいほうの未来」が体感できるコンセプトショップです。1階では、最新の5GスマートフォンやFit公式アクセサリー、KDDIが提供する5G関連アイテムを楽しめ、地下1階ではFit 5Gや先端テクノロジーを活用したコンテンツをご体感いただけます。また、2階ではFit/UQ mobileの最新ラインアップの展示や、商品購入に関するご相談やご契約、アフターサービスの手続きが可能です。
「GINZA 456 Created by KDDI」公式サイト
Instagram: @ginza456_official
Twitter: @ginza456_kddi
■ About "GINZA 456 Connecting Project"
KDDI's mission is "connecting".It is not just about connecting a distant place by line.We will keep the bigger things, the lives of people, the life of the people, and the mind.
KDDIのコンセプトショップであるGINZA 456では、この「つなぐ」をテーマとして、2021年12月2日から2021年12月25日まで開催予定の「#つなぐXmas」を皮切りに、Fit 5Gや先端テクノロジーを活用し、“想像を超えた体験”を通じてお客さまの思いや笑顔をつなぐプロジェクトを実施してまいります。
(Note 1) Smartphones are not eligible.
(Note 2) Charging or restarting may not be possible depending on the condition of the model and terminal.
(Note 3) Participation will be voluntary.
that's all