The Green House has started handling SwitchBot's human sensor "W1101500-GH" and opening and closing sensor "W1201500-GH".It will be released from late October.
■ Human sensor "W1101500-GH"
A smart sensor that detects people's movements and the brightness of the surroundings, and easily realizes smart home conversion in conjunction with other SwitchBot series.You can automate the on/off of the toilet, entrance, and stairs in combination with Swicthbot bot.
In addition, by attaching it to the entrance, it is possible to detect people's entry and exit and ON/OFF of home appliances such as lighting and air conditioners in conjunction with other Swichbot series (SwitchBot hub mini and SwitchBot bot are required).
In addition, a built -in optical sensor is built -in, and the lighting is turned on/off according to the brightness of the surroundings (a SwitchBot hub mini is required), and the movements such as "turning the light when people come at night, when people come."Can be done.
The battery uses two AA batteries x 2.The battery life is usually three years (at room temperature 25 degrees, 120 times per day, 40th light detection, and Bluetooth during 20 trigger operations).
In addition, it is possible to link with smart speakers such as Alexa.The maximum detection distance is 9m (the result of experimental conditions with a room temperature of 25 degrees).
The body size of the sensor is 54 (width) x 54 (height) x 30 (depth) mm.The weight is 56g (including batteries).
The body size of the pedestal is 45 (width) x 45 (height) x 32 (depth) mm.The weight is 19g.
■ Opening and closing sensor "W1201500-GH"
A smart sensor that detects windows and door opening and closing and links with other SwitchBot series to easily achieve smart home.It has a built -in motion sensor, so you can identify home appliances and lighting by identifying returning/going out.
In addition, it is possible to notify the smartphone when the opening and closing of windows and doors, open and closing records of windows and doors or opening and closing changes from the go (SwitchBot hub mini is required) when the opening and closing status changes.
In addition, a built -in optical sensor that detects the brightness of the surroundings, and can operate other home appliances and lighting by changing the surrounding brightness and opening and closing state.
The battery uses two AA batteries x 2.The battery life is usually three years (measured values when the trigger operation is performed 20 times between the opening and closing of 25 degrees at room temperature, 40 times a day, 40 light inspection, and the Bluetooth device 20 times).
In addition, it is possible to link with smart speakers such as Alexa.The maximum detection distance is 5m (the result of the experimental conditions of 25 degrees at room temperature).
The body size of the opening and closing sensor is 25.5 (width) x 70.5 (height) x 23 (depth) mm.The weight is 43g (including batteries).
The body size of the magnet is 12 (width) x 35 (height) x 32 (depth) mm.The weight is 13g.
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