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The performance will increase by 10%just by standing and taking a test.

The performance will increase by 10%just by standing and taking a test.

* This article is a re -edited part of the Andesch Hansen's "Special Class of Dr. Hanssen" (Shincho Shinsho).



If you're a game, you'll know, but it's not easy to be a professional gamer.Even if you can go to a certain level, it usually stops there.The time you can't go ahead may seem like forever.

「立ってテストを受けるだけで成績が10%上がる」精神科医が解説する納得の理由 4分運動すると1時間集中力が続く

The same reason is that there are only a few people who can become a professional soccer player or the Nobel Prize in Physics.The height of the stairs leading to the top is higher than the previous stage for each stage, and the limit will come soon.It is either a tough and impossible, or not the legs are too short to climb.

To reach the high stairs, you need some talent and extraordinary will.Now, no matter where you are on the stairs, you have to set your goals and concentrate on the practice over a long time.Still, it may end up going.

But I'm glad there is a way to improve my abilities.This is a method that makes your legs a little longer to climb the stairs.

What abilities do you need other than you can move your finger fast to level up with games and e -sports?

You have to be absorbed in entering the flow, and you need to imagine to come up with a smart solution.You must have good memory so that you do not make the same mistakes many times.Pressing the button each time and putting a map on the screen is a waste of time.

When the game is heated, it is troublesome if your body does not move due to stress.It is also a great advantage that the situation can be considered positively.Even more, if the challenge or mission seems to be impossible.

Well, this is the theme.What is the relationship between the game, the brain, and the body?

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