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Should iOS automatic update be enabled -Why an iPhone that I can't hear now?

Should iOS automatic update be enabled -Why an iPhone that I can't hear now?

The "automatic update" introduced in iOS 12 is a function that automatically downloads and installation when the software update (a program that adds functions and defect corrections to the system) is distributed from Apple.Since the system (iOS) can always be kept up to date without being aware of the timing of updating, it can be said that the iPhone can be used in the best condition in terms of functional/safety.

iOSの自動アップデートは有効にすべき? - いまさら聞けないiPhoneのなぜ

Automatic updates are enabled by opening the screen in the order of "Settings" → "General" → "Software Update" → "Automatic Update" and turns on the "Automatic Update" switch.In this way, an automatic update is performed only when the iPhone is charging and connected to Wi-Fi.Conversely, even if the switch is turned on, when the iPhone is not charging, the automatic update is not performed when it is not connected to Wi-Fi.

Keeping the system in the latest state is preferable from the viewpoint of safety of preventing attacks and invasion via the Internet, but there are some parts that cannot be said.

One of the reasons is that software updates are not perfect.In many cases, the update of software caused unexpected problems, not only for iOS.It would be better to ask the public's reputation after the distribution started, judge that there is no problem, and then perform the update.

The other is that the timing of the update start cannot be specified.If the processing of the automatic update starts, it is difficult to interrupt, and even if important telephone or email errands occur in the middle of the night, it will not be possible for a while.If you have poor communication methods other than the iPhone, such as when traveling overseas, it is safer to turn off the automatic update.