Rakuten Group will hold an online seminar "Rakuten EXPO 2021" on September 2.Hiroshi Mikitani, Chairman and President of the Company, and the senior executive officer of the company, talked about the growth trends in Rakuten Ichiba in 2021 and the company's future strategies ...
Life Hacker [Japan Version] Reprinted from the article published on September 7, 2021, the battery does not last that long.The GPS model Apple Watch is usually enough to charge once every 2-3 days, but the GPS + Cellular model is at least 1 ...
AIRPODS is a quoted source: https: //www.apple.com/jp/shop/shop/select-airpodsairPods is a wireless microphone with a wireless microphone developed, manufactured, and sold by Apple.The first model is an iPhone at the new product presentation in September 2016 ...
When a large forest fire broke out in January 2020 in southeastern Australia, the condition of the atmosphere worsened in Melbourne.This was a sign that the residents should clearly go out.Actually, the signature is that alone ...
This time, I will take a little sober place, about mine and IED detection.Although it is a plain theme, it is a troublesome person who has caused many casualties as described later, and it is difficult to detect it.In the U.S. Army, "Is the sixth sense useful?"
An interview project that delves into a crossover content "YORHA: DARK APOCALYPSE" with "Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV)" and "Nier" series from an interview with a graphic team.The whole content ...
Chart 1 In the conceptual diagram of CBRS frequency assignment under adjustment of SAS / ESC, in Europe, the 2.3-2.4GHz band of the 2.3-2.4GHz band is used for existing licenses (military radar, wireless camera, etc.) and LTE share (Licened Shareding Access:LSA) is proposed ...
Not disturbed by the notification!I tried the ability of the new feature of iOS15 "Centralized mode" In the "concentrated mode" that appears in the next iOS 15 and Apple Watch 8, the apps to be displayed on the notification and screen according to the purpose of work, reading, etc.Customization ...
Isn't it just as fun to consider traveling?Many people like to think in various ways, such as "Let's bring this item!"So in this series, the best ...
Panasonic will launch the RU / RU VE-GD78 series, a digital cordless phone equipped with a "temperature and humidity alarm" function.A lineup of two types, "VE-GD78DL" of one slave unit and "VE-GD78DW" with two slave units ...
"SHOOT GIRLS" (left) (Sunday), 2021 (Sunday), "SHOOT BOXING 2021 CHAMPION CARNIVAL" held at Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, which was praised for 10 years of a surprise from Rena.。[Photo] SHOO ...
What is a business + IT that solves business issues by fusion of IT and management?What is Login Melaga Registration Business + IT?Operating strategy cost reduction organization Reform production / manufacturing crisis management compliance Energy saving / environmental compatible industries / core information system by size ...
In the 34th and 35th, we introduced how to use the "Windows Sysinternals" tool to find a suspicious program based on automatic execution settings and communication situations.This time, I will introduce how to watch the process itself.Process file ...
500 yen "metal/voltage detector" sold by Akizuki Electronics has been found at a Sunday carpenter store the other day.It is a detector that finds a place with a beam when putting a shelf on the wall.There is also a metal detector that detects nails etc. as close to that ...
The Nisshen Group, including the NSRI, is a mission to provide a safe and secure city and architecture to society as a group of experts who open up the tip of social environment design.In modern cities, it is becoming more serious to respond to natural disasters ...