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The new Corona detection dog is active at Chile International Airport

The new Corona detection dog is active at Chile International Airport

Reuters editing

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[Santiago 23rd Reuters] -In the International Airport in Santiago in Chile, a detection dog that makes use of the sense of smell to identify the new Coronavirus infected.


The detection dog team is organized with multiple Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever.Wearing a green "bioditor" jacket with a red cross and working on missions, it is notified by sitting if you identify the infected person.You can feed as a remuneration for the mission.

The passenger arrives at the laboratory, wipes his neck and wrist with gauze, moves into a glass container, moves to the dog, and is detected here.

Dogs with drugs and bombs are mostly known as working dogs that make use of the sense of smell, but in the past, malaria, cancer, and Parkinson's disease detection training has been conducted.

The new Corona detection dog is also active in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Finnish airports.According to a recent study, the detection rate of infected people is 80-100 %.

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