"Leitz Phone 1" released in July is attracting attention.The reason is not to say.This is because a smartphone -equipped camera sensor is equipped with a large type 1 sensor and a lens bearing a SUMMICRON inscription.
What about those who enjoy photography as a camera as well as a smartphone?It is inevitable to be worried, and one of the writers who loves "Leica Q2" is one of them.Although it was a short period during an emergency declaration, I was able to borrow a terminal and take a trial shot in the neighborhood, so I would like to tell you how to use it mainly on the camera function.
ライカブランドを冠する初のスマートフォン「Leitz Phone 1」ITMEDIA MOBILE has reported more about this unit in multiple articles.Please refer to them for the whole picture.
When shooting, it is not an Android standard, but an application developed exclusively for this unit.When it starts, a characteristic digital bright frame appears.This indicates the range of shooting, and if you are using the M -type Leica or Q series, you should be grinning.
By default, "1.It is displayed in "0 x", but as you can see from the monitoring of the shooting range, the sensor is actually cropped.Originally, the full imaging range is 19mm in Leica format, but it is a state where the type 1 sensor is trimmed and photographed at 24mm.
In particular, what I felt "this is good" is the display logic of the digital bright frame.For example, in the case of the Leica Q series, the smaller the angle of view, the smaller the bright frame.However, in the case of this unit, 1.0 × to 2.Even if you change to 0x, the size of the bright frame is constant, the photo itself is enlarged according to the angle of view, and the size of the frame is maintained constant (of course, the sensor is full 0..The frame itself is not displayed at 7 times).I felt that this would be easy to use, and it would be nice to feed back to the successor to the Leica Q series, which uses the same digital bright frame.
カメラアプリを起動するとデジタルブライトフレームによってライカ判換算24mmの撮影範囲が示される(写真=左)。そこからセンサーを全て使う19mm画角(写真=右)にするには、倍率ボタンを2回タップする必要がある。なお中央には水準器が表示されるThe guide wires displayed on the monitor are also available in addition to general ones such as three or golden splits, as well as slightly geeky "Fibonacci lines".As expected, there is a feeling of "for those who know" and it is a good impression.It is very difficult to place the subject in a free position and take a picture while strictly conscious of the composition is very difficult with a rangefinder or single -lens reflex camera, so it makes sense to stick here because it is good for smartphones and mirrorless.I think it is.
ガイド線の候補は豊富(写真=左)。左右ともに用意されたフィボナッチ線はなかなかマニアック(写真=右)On the other hand, if you are a little worried, it is operability when switching digital bright frames.
For example, in the case of a Leica Q series, which uses a digital bright frame similar to this unit, the full imaging range is 28mm, 35mm, 50mm, and if it is Q2, the bright frame can be switched to 75 mm, but "Appearance angle displayed at startup.The difference from this unit is that you can set it arbitrarily.In other words, in the case of Leitz Phone 1, be sure to "1.0 × is forced, and the desired angle of view cannot be set arbitrarily.
Each time you tap the magnification icon 1.0 × (24mm) → 2.0 × (48mm) → 0.It is switched in the order of 7x (19mm), but this order cannot be changed, so if you try to use the first type 1 sensor and the Summiclon inscription lens in full, you will need to operate the "tap the magnification button twice after starting the application".It will be.
In the case of the author, Leica Q2 is used at 35mm, so it does not resist the trimming at all, but many users will have a sense of incongruity about this specification and operability.There are things that can be solved by updating the app so that the default display angle of view can be set arbitrarily, so I would like to expect future updates.
The shooting mode can be selected directly.In the case of this unit, I think the main ones are "photo mode", "manual photo mode", and "Leitz Looks mode"."Background blurred mode" is also available, but there are few scenes where Leitz Phone 1 users with so far use these functions.I feel that it would have been nice to have a more shaved UI (user interface).
If you look at the photos of JPEG, the shadow is tight and the contrast is core in the direction of painting.You can see the tendency compared to the one that was developed straight in Lightroom.Unlike Fujifilm and Kodak, Leica hasn't been working on painting since the film era, so it's difficult to make it look like a Leica, but this contrast may make people feel like that.。
Lightroomでストレート現像した写真(写真=左)とLeitz Phone 1のjpeg撮って出し(写真=右)。彩度が抑制されシャドーが締まった写真になる傾向。なお、カメラ内jpegは歪曲補正の影響か、RAWとはピクセル数が微妙に異なるこちらも左がLightroomでストレート現像したもの。対してLeitz Phone 1の撮って出し(写真=右)はやはりコントラストが強め。なお光源によってはゴーストが出るようだデジタルブライトフレームを採用する機種同士ということでLeitz Phone 1(写真=上)とライカQ2(写真=下)の比較。ちなみにライカQ2は現行のライカM10と同じ画像エンジン(MaestroII)を搭載しており、機種ごとのチューンはあるにせよ同様の画作り傾向といえる。写真はいずれもjpeg。都合により撮影タイミングが異なることと、そもそものセンサーサイズが大きく違うことがあり、比較はあくまでも参考にとどめてほしい。なお被写界深度や画角を似せるためQ2はF8まで絞りクロップしている。一般的なスマホ写真と比べると彩度控えめなLeitz Phone 1だが、それでもQ2と比べるとパッと見で華やかな印象だ。ホワイトバランスもLeitz Phone 1の方がこなれているスターバックスで一休み。比べるとライカQ2による写真(写真=下)のホワイトバランスが緑被りしており、複雑な光源下ではLeitz Phone 1(写真=上)が安定しているといえそう。もっとも本家のMやQ、SLユーザーはjpegのままというよりRAW現像するユーザーがほとんどな気もする。なおLeitz Phone 1で撮影した写真は、ライカQ2のレンズ鏡筒の文字回りに「にじみ」が発生している。手ブレかと思いチェックしたが同時に撮影した全ての写真が同じ状態だった。Leitz Phone 1でコントラスト高めな被写体を近接で撮る際には注意が必要かもしれない[Correction: August 30, 2021 At 16:50, the example of Leica Q2 was up, and the example of Leitz Phone 1 was lowered, but the example of Leica Q2 was lowered, and the example of Leitz Phone 1 was the example of Leitz Phone 1.Above.I will make corrections.]
Leitz Phone 1で幸せになれるのはどんなユーザー?