Black Magic Design is compatible with live distribution on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc..The distribution solution "Blackmagic Web Presenter HD" equipped with a 264 encoder has been announced.The price is 56,980 yen (excluding tax).
"Blackmagic Web Presenter HD" is a complete distribution solution equipped with a professional hardware distribution engine and distributed directly to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. via Ethernet.It functions like a broadcast TV transmitter and can be distributed to viewers around the world.The built -in USB connector functions like a web camera, so you can connect to a computer and use all distribution software.It also supports Skype and Zoom.It can be distributed to the Internet via Ethernet, and can be connected to a 5G or 4G mobile phone to use mobile data.Web presenter also has a technical monitoring output, and can check video, audio meters, trends graphs, and SDI technical data.
A hardware distribution engine designed for live distribution with professional broadcast quality is also built -in.It is a self -contained solution, and live distribution can be performed without frame falling.It is possible to distribute it simply by connecting to the Internet, and you can select a distribution platform with Web Presenter Utility and update the distribution key, so you can easily set up.
If it is distributed in a remote location or when a backup of the main Ethernet connection is required, it can be connected to an Apple or Android mobile phone and can be connected to the Internet using mobile data.Both the front panel and the rear panel have a USB connector, so it is convenient for tethering mobile phones.In addition to 4G mobile phones, the latest high -speed 5G can be used.
In addition, two USB connectors are installed, and all video software can be used simply by connecting to a computer.Web Presenter is a broadcast quality SDI video source, but software is a general web camera, so it can be compatible with all video software and get a full resolution of 1080 HD quality.Web Presenter can use video software such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Open BroadCaster, and Xsplit BroadCaster.
Conventional broadcast transmitters are indispensable for broadcasting stations, but now the distribution servers are also important because they can attract millions of viewers from all over the world.To assist this, Blackmagic Web Presenter has a technical monitoring output that contains a number of functions.The monitoring output is a graphic base, displays video views, accurate baristics audio meters, codec data rates, cashing trends graphs, distribution settings, and detailed SDI technical information.In addition, the technical monitoring output is compatible with full 1080 HD, and can be output in both SDI and HDMI.You can monitor multiple units using an SDI router or connect a simple HDMI TV.
Blackmagic Web Presenter Utility Software manages multiple web presenter and can update settings and software.It can be used directly by connecting directly to the USB connector on the front of the web presenter or connecting with an Ethernet to operate remotely.
Equipped with 12G-SDI input and supports all HD and Ultra HD format up to 2160p60.With 12G-SDI loop output, video can be output to multiple Web presenter, so it can be distributed to multiple services.The SDI input of the BlackMagic Web Presenter uses Teranex conversion technology, so you can get extremely clean videos.Blackmagic Web Presenter automatically converts HD or Ultra HD input signals to high -quality and low -data rates, and distributed hardware H..In addition to the 264 encoder, if you use a USB web camera output, send it to your computer.
◉ Product information https: // www.Blackmagicdesign.COM/JP/PRODUCTS/BLACKMAGICWEBPRESENTER
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