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DoCoMo's "HOME 5G" task is "up"?/ Android 12 "Wana" (not necessarily applicable to all models): Mobile Weekly Top10

DoCoMo's "HOME 5G" task is "up"?/ Android 12 "Wana" (not necessarily applicable to all models): Mobile Weekly Top10

ITmedia Mobile Weekly Access TOP10

November 1, 2021 -November 7, 2021

  1. NTTドコモの「home 5G」を使ってみた 気になる“制限事項”もチェック
  2. 10%〜50%還元の施策がめじろ押し スマホ決済キャンペーンまとめ【2021年11月4日】
  3. 決算で判明、明暗分かれたpovoとLINEMO “オンライン”以外での差別化がカギに
  4. 「Apple Watch Series 7」をじっくり試す 弱点を克服した今こそ“買い”だ
  5. IIJmio「ギガプラン」が好調で純増 ドコモのエコノミーMVNO参画は「問題点が2つある」と勝社長
  6. Androidスマホに慣れた人が「Android 12(Pixel 6)」を使うときに気を付けたい2つのポイント
  7. UQ WiMAX +5Gの「ギガ放題プラス」が11月25日から新プランに移行 旧プランは受付終了へ
  8. IIJmio、セット端末を110円から購入できる「秋の乗り換えキャンペーン」11月30日まで開催
  9. 楽天モバイル「Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI」は絶対的にお得なのか? 容量別に検証してみた
  10. KDDI、楽天ローミング収入は今年度でピークアウト――プラチナバンド返上は「そう簡単な問題ではない」

 "ITMEDIA Mobile Weekly Top10", which summarizes the number of weekly articles accesses in ITMEDIA Mobile and introduces the top 10 articles.This time, we have summarized the week from November 1, 2021 to November 7, 2021.

条件が良ければhome 5Gは十分に固定インターネット回線代わりに使えそうです(現時点では)

 The first place in the number of accesses during this period was a review article after actually using NTT DOCOMO's "HOME 5G" and its dedicated terminal "HOME 5G HR01".

ドコモの「home 5G」の課題は“上り”?/Android 12の“わな”(全機種に当てはまるとは限らない):Mobile Weekly Top10

 HOME 5G is a home Internet service that can be used with docomo's 5G / XI (LTE) network, but unlike ordinary mobile phones, it cannot be used.Instead, discount programs are getting more.As you can see in the article, some dealers say that the terminal price is "0 yen", and it seems that the contractor is growing more steadily than expected.

 There is anxiety that the number of contractors increases, but at the moment it seems that it will not be slow enough to be discomfort at this time, and if the condition of the installation is good, it is faster than a poor fixed Internet.You can expect a communication.

 However, as shown in the test results in this article, HOME 5G has a slower communication speed.This is not a service -specific restriction, but an issue that the entire mobile communication including 5G has.When using it instead of a fixed Internet line, the speed on the climb is very important, especially in a scene where web meetings and large -capacity data are exchanged.

 I'm glad if there is a movement to improve the speed of mobile communication, but what about?

Android 12で変わったUIのせいで戸惑いを隠せない……

 The 6th place in the ranking is a column that introduces two points to be aware of in Android 12 pre -installed on Google's "Pixel 6".

 Android 12, pre -installed in Pixel 6 (and Pixel 6 Pro), uses the new user interface (UI) design "Material You".As a result, the contents of the "quick setting panel" have changed, and the operation procedure when Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) and mobile data communication are increased.This change has also been applied to the Pixel series upgraded to Android 12.

 In the world of smartphones (recently PCs), it is not uncommon for the app UI to be changed suddenly.Developers may have changed them because they think "good", but if they are suddenly "renewed", they may be confused and cannot use it well.

 The same is true for me, who usually touches various smartphones, and the operation of Pixel 6 (and pixel series upgraded to Android 12) has been confused for a while ...It is because it is used in parallel with the smartphone up to Android 11.

 Does the developer of the OS or app (terminal) not confirm what kind of "reaction" the user responds when changing the UI?There seems to be a voice saying, "If you have confirmed that, there is no drill!", But even if it is a reasonable change, the person who tested, "Is there any more troubled person?"It is around this time that I think it is good.Everyone is not easy to evolve or change.

