This spring, many people have gained their own PC for the first time in the opportunity of going to school or finding a job.I'm glad that the spread of netbooks and CULV notes has reduced the selling price of PCs, and has a real sense of getting a personal computer.However, due to the cheapest, the number of included software has been narrowed down, and the number of additional costs increases when trying to use it in earnest.Isn't there a lot of readers who buy a PC but can't use it as expected?
What I would like to recommend for such people is the use of free software and free use of web services.There are various reasons that these software and services are provided free of charge, and those distributed by the manufacturer free of charge for advertising purposes, the basic functions can be used for free, but additional functions and upper editions are charged.The types, scale, and origin vary, such as things that individuals, those created by individuals and distributed as a sense of share.Among them, it is a commercial software, such as full -fledged products with commercially available software, those that satisfy niche applications that are difficult to sell as products, and those with ideas and ideas that are narrowed down but are narrowed down.There are a number of software and services that are as attractive.
At first glance, the free software and free services are mixed with cobblestones, and the use of free software and free services is basically at your own risk, so if you have any trouble or questions during use.There are disadvantages that self -resolution is required without the support of the manufacturer.Nevertheless, in the case of major software and services that are called the standard of each genre, searching for information on the Internet can often find information of those who have hit the same trouble or questions.
Also, even if you buy a paid software, try free software first, rather than suddenly purchasing expensive software, what kind of features are specifically what kind of software is really needed for you.It is not wasteful to know if you need it.
In this series, we plan to introduce recommendations for various genres, such as video and music regeneration, among the many free web services and free web services.I would like you to aim for the use of PCs that have advanced by referring to this series.This is the first time, we will introduce the virus software that protects the important data in your PC.
●ウイルス対策ソフトを導入のススメPC currently sold in Japan basically installs virus software as standard.However, due to the cost, there are many cases where a trial version that expires the license in about 30 days is used, and many PCs have expired and do not work satisfactorily.
A long time ago, we were able to prevent virus infections with high probability by taking measures such as "I do not see suspicious websites" and "I do not open the attached emails from strangers".However, now, websites of domestic companies are tampered with, and there are many cases of virus infections just by opening these web pages, and it is no longer safe.
In addition, there is a "zero -day tack" that uses the security of the software that everyone uses, such as the OS, the web browser, and the flash, for attacks before the revised files are released, and "Windows Update on Windows.The common sense that it is safe if you keep it in the latest state is no longer possible.
It goes without saying that infection with viruses can break or steal important data and personal information such as digital camera photos, emails, and passwords.Even more scary is that it expands the damage of the virus to people around you, such as friends, colleagues, and work trading partners, using your PC as an infection source.It is no exaggeration to say that the introduction of virus software is the minimum obligation to use a PC.
Of course, even if the defense is solidified with a virus software, there is a risk of infection with unknown viruses, and it is not possible to prevent attacks other than viruses such as cracking, but by using viral software,The significance of protecting PCs from known viruses overflowing in the streets is still great.
Nevertheless, some people may not be able to buy a netbook that bought for 50,000 yen and buy a virus software that costs more than 5,000 yen.In addition, the edition of Windows 7 Professional or higher is equipped with a new function called Windows XP mode to enhance compatibility with Windows XP, but this is a technology that operates Windows XP in a virtual environment on Windows 7.Apart from Windows 7, it is necessary to introduce virus software in the XP mode, and there are cases where the number of software licenses is insufficient.In such a case, I would like to recommend Microsoft Security Essentials, a virus software that Microsoft has released for free.
●Microsoft Security Essentialsを使ってみよう"Microsoft Security Essentials" (hereinafter referred to as Security Essentials) is a virus software released by Microsoft for free.In addition to viruses and spyware measures, the trend micro "virus buster" and the "Norton Internet Security" are in integrated environments related to security such as firewalls, spam countermeasures, and personal information protection.On the other hand, Security Essentials is a software that focuses only on virus and spyware measures.
For this reason, it is not a complete replacement of a paid product, but the firewall function is installed as standard after Windows XP SP2, and the Fishing Countermeasures Function from Internet Explorer 7 and later will be fishing measures functions and Gmail of each provider.More and more web emails and various email software have spam countermeasure functions.By combining these well, it is possible to prepare the minimum necessary security measures even for free.
There have been more than one virus software that can be used for free, but from the perspective of general users, the security of the same Microsoft, which is usually used, is great.In addition, other free software has often been talking about troubles that accidentally detect normal files as viruses, but there is no news of the species so far.The feature of free and Microsoft is perfect for Windows XP mode.
●セキュリティに関する知識がなくても安心It is easy to use Security Essentials.If you download and install from the distribution page of Microsoft, you will not need any detailed settings and protect them immediately.
"Real -time protection", which checks the files in use in real time, constantly monitor in the background, and update the "definition of virus and spyware" file (hereinafter referred to as virus definition files) is automatically performed in the background.Therefore, except for the notification area icon display of the taskbar, it can be used without being aware of the existence at all.
It also supports schedule search that automatically checks files in the PC according to the schedule set in advance, and the standard setting is set once a week at 2:00 am on Sunday.The search itself is all performed in the background, and when the search is completed, the result screen is displayed.
配布ページの「今すぐダウンロード」というボタンからダウンロードできる | インストールが完了すると、自動的にウイルス定義ファイルが更新され、クイックスキャン(後述)が開始される |
ウイルスが発見されるとタスクバー通知領域アイコンが赤く変わり、ユーザーの操作を促してくる。「コンピューターから除去」ボタンをクリックしてウイルスを除去しよう | 長期間ウイルス定義ファイルの更新やウイルス検索が行なわれていない場合、タスクバーの通知領域アイコンがオレンジ色に変わり、注意を促してくれる |
In this way, all can be used for the Security Essentials for a long time, but if the PC that has not been used for a while has been started for the first time in a long time, if the virus definition file is updated or scheduled for a long time,The color of the notification area icon of the taskbar changes from green to orange, which promotes attention.
When this is the case, double -click the icon to call the Security Essentials screen and manually update the virus definition file and search for virus.It is important to note that if the virus definition file remains old, it will be defenseless to the latest virus.Of course, updating the virus definition file is free, so please proceed with work with confidence.
In the manual and automatic schedule virus checks, "Quick Can" searches only for places that are susceptible to viruses, such as Windows system folders and program folders, and "Full Scan", which searches for all connected drives.There are three types of "custom scan" that allows you to select the search target arbitrarily, and can be used according to the purpose.
Depending on the capacity and number of the HDD mounted on the PC, it takes a considerable amount of time to execute, so basically perform a full scan once after installation, and then the schedule registered in advance.It is recommended to use it to leave it to real -time protection.
タスクバーの通知アイコンをダブルクリックすると表示される「ホーム」画面。現在のウイルス保護の状況をひとめで把握できるほか、3種類のスキャンを手動で開始できる | カスタムスキャンの開始画面。検索するドライブやフォルダを個別に指定可能だ | Security Essentialsの機能はタブごとに分類、整理されている。「更新」タブではウイルス定義ファイルの手動更新が行なえる |
「履歴」タブ。これまでのウイルスの検出履歴や、検疫と呼ばれる実行不能の状態にしたファイル、実行許可を出したファイルの履歴が参照できる | 「設定」タブ。ウイルスが発見された場合の動作など細かな設定が行なえるが、通常は検索スケジュールを好みや利用環境に合わせて調整する以外、特ににいじる必要はないだろう | ウイルス検索中の画面。HDDのサイズや保存ファイル数にもよるが、数時間近くかかる場合もある。夜寝る前に検索を開始し、そのまま寝てしまうのも手だ |
There is not only one virus software that can be used for free.Some software has functions not found in Security Essentials.For example, "AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition Japanese Version" (AVG ANTI-VIRUS) is one of such software.
AVG Anti-Virus is AVG Technologies, N in the Netherlands.V.It is a virus software provided by, and can only be used for non -commercial use at home.The basic functions are almost the same as Security Essentials, such as monitoring files in real time files, schedules and manual execution, and automatic virus definition files, but on Internet EXPLORER and Firefox, search engine Google and Bing.The feature is that when performing a web search using, it is equipped with an "link scanner" function that displays the linked site in the search results with an icon.
There is also a special version called "AVG Rescue CD".By creating a media that can be launched in advance using the CD-R or USB memory, the virus-infected PC is temporarily launched from the CD or USB memory to search and exterminate viruses.It is to do it.It can be said that it is a software that is prepared in case of emergency.
AVG Anti-Virusのメイン画面。「リンクスキャナ」と呼ばれるSecurity Essentialsにはない機能が搭載されている点に注目 | Internet Explorer 8とGoogleによるWeb検索結果画面。ページタイトルの横に緑色のチェックマーク状アイコンが表示され、リンク先が安全なことを示している |