How should "local 5G" be used in the manufacturing and transportation industries? Expected fields by industry found in the survey Series: Demolition of the SME market | Business + IT
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How should "local 5G" be used in the manufacturing and transportation industries?Expected areas by industry found in the survey
Serialization: Demolition new book of small and medium-sized enterprise market
Many may think that 5G is a high-speed / large-capacity version of 4G. 5G lines for general consumers are true, but there is a new form called "local 5G" for businesses. What is Local 5G? What are the points that companies use wisely? Let's look at this based on market research data.
Nok Research Yutaka Iwakami
Nok Research Yutaka Iwakami
After graduating from Waseda University Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Dr. Nok Research Senior Analyst, engaged in planning / development / management of IT products and businesses at JustSystems, Sony Global Solutions, venture companies, etc. He is in charge of a wide range of fields such as research / consulting / writing / lecture, making use of his experience cultivated in various fields in Nok Research. His books include "Basics and Practice of Adobe AIR" and "Cloud Taizen (co-authored)" (published by Nikkei BP).
- Local 5G and regular 5G are similar to the relationship between LAN and the Internet
- Should be applied to important business scenes that are directly linked to the main business
- Expected utilization scene in the assembly manufacturing industry
- What are the expected fields in the transportation industry? How do you secure the necessary resources?
Local 5G and regular 5G are similar to the relationship between LAN and the Internet
5G is attracting attention as a means to realize a network environment with advantages such as high speed / large capacity, low latency, and multiple simultaneous connections. For example, in the manufacturing industry, it can be expected to be used for "collecting information in real time from a large number of sensors installed on the production line and using it to improve productivity and quality". In the transportation industry, it is conceivable to "improve or automate the picking process in the warehouse using the product information and location information obtained from the sensors attached to the luggage and pallets". On the other hand, many people may have experienced delays or disconnections due to temporary congestion when using websites and business systems on their smartphones while on the go. The effects of such congestion will occur not a little even in 5G. In other words, simply switching from the current 4G line to a 5G line leaves the problem that it is difficult to apply to the above-mentioned business scenes where delays and disconnections are not allowed. Therefore, "local 5G" is attracting attention. This refers to a system / system in which a base station can be set up in a specific area / site separately from the 5G line provided by a major carrier, and a dedicated 5G line can be used. It may be easier to understand if you apply the difference between the Internet and LAN to 5G lines provided by major carriers and local 5G. The graph in Figure 1 shows the results of asking small and medium-sized enterprises with annual sales of less than 50 billion yen about their intention to introduce local 5G. Normally, new IT-related technologies gradually spread from the large-scale enterprise group to the low-scale enterprise group. However, looking at the graph above, the intention to introduce 5G is high among relatively small enterprises with annual sales of less than 500 million yen and annual sales of 500 to 5 billion yen. As in the usage scene mentioned at the beginning, there are surprisingly many small business groups that require high-quality wireless connections within a limited range such as factories and warehouses. Local 5G is also a new use of IT that can benefit small and medium-sized enterprises, especially small enterprises.Should be applied to important business scenes that are directly linked to the main business
People tend to think, "Let's introduce local 5G and use it for simple purposes such as email and schedule," but in reality, such trial introduction is not realistic. Using local 5G means that companies are in a position to set up base stations and provide a wireless connection environment. Therefore, even within a limited range, procedures such as obtaining a license are required. In addition, various sensors compatible with 5G and business systems for utilizing the collected data will be required. As a result, the scene where companies should apply local 5G is not a reference to emails or schedules, but a business scene that is directly linked to their main business. In other words, when considering the use of local 5G, it is necessary to first clarify "what is the main business that supports the company's profits? Where is the situation where high-quality wireless connection is required in that main business?" .. This process of consideration will vary greatly depending on the type of industry. Therefore, in the following, we will explore the points when introducing local 5G by taking the manufacturing industry (assembly manufacturing industry) and the transportation industry as examples. [Next page] Expected utilization scene in the assembly manufacturing industry 5G genre topics
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