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Go to the front of the grooming! 6 choices are recommended for men's beauty appliances. The best gift for a man with a high sense of beauty

Go to the front of the grooming! 6 choices are recommended for men's beauty appliances. The best gift for a man with a high sense of beauty

Speaking of the coming Valentine's Day is chocolate. In Japan, on this basis, many people will also give gifts to their partners and partners.

As a candidate for gifts, it is worth paying attention to hairdressing and beauty appliances for men. The following is to introduce props with good design and interesting gifts, as well as recommended products that can be used by both men and women.

[Amazon] male beauty appliances [Rakuten market] male beauty appliances

ER-GK20, Panasonic's first body mediator

Use gentle skin to treat white hair all over the body

ER-GK20, Panasonic's first body mediatorは、男性用のボディトリマー。“ファーストシェイバー”として、10代男性向けに発売されたラインナップです。厚さ0.1ミリの先端が丸くて広い刃を採用し、優しい肌当たりで全身のムダ毛を剃ることができます。

Change the holding method according to the position, and use the "I shape" which is easy to shave. It also comes with a "length consistent attachment" that adjusts the length of the hair naturally, and a "skin protective accessory" that shaves off sensitive areas because the blade is not in direct contact.

A dry battery that can be easily used anywhere. The IPX7 standard waterproof design can also be used in the bathroom and can be easily washed after use. Amazon sells for about 3400 yen.

【Amazon】ER-GK20, Panasonic's first body mediator 【楽天市場】ER-GK20, Panasonic's first body mediator

Brown BRAUN mini Mmur1000

A compact and powerful mobile razor

Brown BRAUN mini Mmur1000は、ブラウン製品では初めてとなる充電式のモバイル髭剃り機。幅2.7×奥行き11×高さ6センチ、重量150グラムの持ち歩きにも便利な軽量コンパクトサイズで、オフィスや外出先などいつでもどこでも気軽に使用可能。2台目のシェーバーとして最適です。

The company's peak model, the Series 9, also comes with a web blade and a long beard trimmer blade. The palm-sized compact fuselage is equipped with a powerful motor at the same time, and the two blades rise and fall, and can also firmly stick to the parts that are not easy to shave to achieve deep shaving.

Fully charged can be used continuously for about 40 minutes. There is also a fast charging function, which can be charged for 5 minutes if you use it at a time. It can also be washed, not only in the bathroom and sink, but also in places where you go out. Amazon sells for about 4000 yen.

【Amazon】Brown BRAUN mini Mmur1000 【楽天市場】Brown BRAUN mini Mmur1000

Atticus single scalp acupuncture massager AX-HPL102bk

About 3200 vibrations per minute stimulate the scalp

Atticus single scalp acupuncture massager AX-HPL102bkは、頭皮用のマッサージャーです。About 3200 vibrations per minute stimulate the scalp、血行を促します。

A silicone rubber brush is used to gently transmit vibration by the shape of a point stimulus and four elastic protuberances. It is a three-dimensional arch that fits the curve of the head and transmits strong vibration to the scalp. You can choose between the "weak mode" of about 2200 vibrations per minute and the "strong mode" of about 3200 vibrations, as well as the "mixed mode" of mixing the two modes.

Amazon sells for about 8700 yen.

 身だしなみのその先へ! メンズ理美容家電のおすすめ6選。美意識の高い男性への贈り物にも最適

【Amazon】Atticus single scalp acupuncture massager AX-HPL102bk 【楽天市場】Atticus single scalp acupuncture massager AX-HPL102bk

Yaman Misser head lifting for MEN MS-30G

Clean the pores thoroughly!

Yaman Misser head lifting for MEN MS-30Gは、毛穴までスッキリと洗浄できるヘッドスパマシン。シリーズ累計200万台を突破した実績を誇る同社のアセチノシリーズの頭皮ケアマシンを「myse(ミーゼ)」ブランドとして男性向けに展開している製品です。

The ergonomically based round shape clings to the easily stiff scalp and muscles and kneads slightly with about 57, 600 stimuli per minute. It is especially suitable for scalp care with stickiness and sebum blockage, as well as "kneading accessories" that can be used not only for scalp, but also for neck, shoulder and face care. It has an effect on the stickiness and smell of the scalp, the decline in the volume of the root of the hair, the stiffness of the scalp, neck and shoulders, etc. The material of the accessory is designed to be a little hard to match the male muscles and can give people a comfortable stimulation with a touch.

The waterproof specification is equivalent to IPX7. While shampoo, while smearing hair tonic and other "side care" is also the most appropriate. Amazon sells for about 16,000 yen.

【Amazon】Yaman Misser head lifting for MEN MS-30G 【楽天市場】Yaman Misser head lifting for MEN MS-30G

Panasonic skin care razor sprint 3 blades ES-MT21

Shaving and skin care at the same time

Panasonic skin care razor sprint 3 blades ES-MT21は、イオン導入機能を搭載した電気髭剃り機。プラスからマイナス電極へ向かって発生する水の流れを利用した電気浸透流により、シェービングの前に塗布したローションや乳液などの保湿成分の角質層への浸透性を高めることができ、Shaving and skin care at the same timeを行なえます。

The shaving function uses a high-speed linear motor driven by a high-speed linear motor with about 13,000 stroke / min and low power loss. The concentration of the beard is detected by high-precision sensing technology of about 200 times per second, making it powerful, gentle to the skin and fast shaving.

In addition, the head is firmly in close contact with the face and moves 30 °on the left and right, and the inner blade is acute to nanometer, such as a circular blade surface that can gently scrape deep skin. The fuselage adopts IPX7 standard waterproof design. It is equipped with a rechargeable bracket and a stylish design that allows you to stand without a sense of life in the sunny bathroom and bathroom.

Amazon sells for about 24,000 yen.

【Amazon】Panasonic skin care razor sprint 3 blades ES-MT21 【楽天市場】Panasonic skin care razor sprint 3 blades ES-MT21

Yaman Missy Scaprift activity MS80G

This is the same set for cephalic muscle care and facial care.

Yaman Missy Scaprift activity MS80Gは、1台で頭筋ケアもフェイスケアも行なえるブラシ型のEMS美顔器。2020年11月の発売以来、人気が続く「スカルプリフト」の上位モデルとして、2021年秋に発売された新製品です。

Equipped with scalp "SCALP mode" and facial "FACE mode". Only need to replace the magnet type of the two brush accessories, you can automatically switch modes.

In the "SCALP mode", a unique low-frequency EMS specifically for the head muscle is output from 12 electrode pins to stimulate the head muscle, which is prone to hardening. While brushing your teeth, stretch the entire scalp at a vibration rate of about 7000 vibrations per minute. In addition, in "FACE mode", low frequency EMS is randomly output from 22 flexible pins. For more than 30 kinds of expressive muscles, the expressive muscles are stimulated from various angles and centrally by outputting EMS from all directions.

Compared with the previous "Scaprift", the somatosensory of EMS is enhanced by about 2 times in "SCALP mode" and about 1.4 times in "FACE mode". In addition, grade adjustment can be carried out from 6 stages to improve function. The color of men and women is suitable for both men and women, and it is also suitable for lovers to share. Amazon sells for about 50,000 yen.

【Amazon】Yaman Missy Scaprift activity MS80G 【楽天市場】Yaman Missy Scaprift activity MS80G

The product in this article is recommended by the Engadget Japan version team. The information was released at the time of writing (January 27, 2022), when sales prices and inventory conditions were constantly changing.