In this webinar, we will deliver a panel discussion on hints for companies to promote DX in a true sense, focusing on cases and trends regarding the fusion of business and technology.
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Those involved in DX promotion, those involved in AI/data utilization
~ December 31, 2021
2008年データダイレクト・ネットワークス (DDN)に入社後、2016年9月よりグローバル市場担当シニア・バイス・プレジデントとして、DDNセールス、マーケティング、プロダクトマネジメント、フィールドサービス、サポートの全機能をグローバルに統括している。
After graduating from the Department of Materials Science, Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo in 1997, completed the Department of Metal Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo in 1999. In 1999, he joined Texas Instruments Japan. After developing DVD application processors, mobile phone camera images, image signal processors, and DSP applications, he oversaw the digital product marketing department. Engaged in business development in a wide range of fields from entertainment products to industrial products. Joined NVIDIA in 2015 and worked as a business development manager for deep learning, and currently oversees the Enterprise Business Headquarters.
Previously worked as an editor for IT/digital web media and weekly magazines at a publishing company. He has also been involved in growth since the launch of paid membership media. Joined Ledge in November 2019. In July 2020, he became editor-in-chief of In addition to writing articles, he has experience appearing in various media such as seminars and podcasts. I love unrivaled iced coffee.