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AI develops human "signal (physical movement)" and develops a gesture control engine "UT-AIZ ™" that aims to realize a safe and secure city.

AI develops human "signal (physical movement)" and develops a gesture control engine "UT-AIZ ™" that aims to realize a safe and secure city.

The Nisshen Group, including the NSRI, is a mission to provide a safe and secure city and architecture to society as a group of experts who open up the tip of social environment design. In modern cities, it should be solved to realize safety and security, such as responding to natural disasters, which are becoming more serious, indiscriminate injury cases by humans, crimes aiming at vulnerable people such as children, and infectious diseases due to dense population. There are various issues. In response to these tasks that cannot be covered with a uniform approach, NSRI focused on the "signal (body movement, Furuma)" emitted by humans living in cities. "UT-aIZ ™" (Patent application) * 2 was developed as a combination of rapidly developing aI technology and human "signal" to create a mechanism that can flexibly deal with issues generated in the city. 。 "UT-aIZ ™" is a system that aI recognizes human body movements and leads to driving IoT equipment and equipment. By reading not only gestures, but also the movement of the mouth and the signal of the SOS emitted by humans, it will enable flexible measures to various urban tasks. This time, as the first service model of "UT-aIZ ™", "Focus on gestures and face authentication, and open the door comfortably and safely" * 2 "assist swing UT-aIZ" The concept model of "will be exhibited at the Smart Building EXPO. In the future, NSRI will apply "UT-aIZ ™" to various situations in cities to bring security and security to future cities.

[「UT-aIZ™」の仕組み]※1:「UT-aIZ」はNSRIとCaCの登録商標(共同出願中)※2:NSRIとCaCで特許出願済「UT-aIZ™」概要「UT-aIZ™」は、aIが人間の身体動作を認識して電気信号を送ることで、IoT機器・装置の駆動につなげるジェスチャーコントロールエンジンで、利用者は最適な状況・方法で機器・装置を操作できます。建築建具や照明器具、空調設備、昇降機設備をはじめ、サイネージやナースコール(病院施設)、外装部材など、都市を構築する様々な要素への応用・導入が可能です。すべての人が「合図」を通じ、自らの意思で都市とコミュニケーションすることで安全な都市をつくると共に、これまで意思を十分に伝えられなかった方もサポートし、誰もが安心して都市を楽しむスマートシティ社会の実現に寄与します。WEBサイト : https://www.nikken-ri.com/idea/inv/utaiz.html[UT-aIZの利用イメージ]「UT-aIZ™」誕生の経緯NSRIの「Universal Through(ユニバーサル・スルー)」※3とCaCの「HCTech(ヒューマン・センタード・テクノロジー)」※4が結びつき、「UT-aIZ™」が誕生しました。※3:Universal Through(ユニバーサル・スルー)™:日建設計総合研究所のアーバンアクセスコンセプト。誰もが分け隔てなく、スマートに空間移動・活動を行える未来都市の提供を目指しています。弱者はもちろんのこと、人々の微細なウィークポイントを補完、人々の特徴を増強し、より自分らしく、安心かつ安全な都市生活の実現を目指します。※4:HCTech®:「人を察し、人を活かし、人を健やかにする」人間中心の技術活用であり、DX時代に向けたCaCのソリューションコンセプトです。人およびその周辺環境をaIやIoTなどデジタル技術で検知・分析することであらゆるものがUIとなり、人が自動的に価値を受け取れる未来を創ります。 https://service.cac.co.jp/hctech/top「UT-aIZ™」の応用範囲例えば「身の危険や体調不良を合図で知らせる」「口の動きの頻度と数から空調をコントロールする(感染対策)」「災害などの有事に地区内の人間の合図をつなげて避難指示に活用する」「転倒など日常災害へ早期対処する」など、安心安全な都市実現に向けて多くの領域への応用を目指しています。[身の危険を合図で知らせる]

[体調不良を合図で知らせる] / ​[合図で空調をコントロール]

aI が人間の「合図(身体動作)」を察知、安心安全な都市実現を目指すジェスチャーコントロールエンジン「UT-aIZ™」開発

[Connect human beings in the district to use it for evacuation instructions by connecting human beings in the district to emergency and other events such as disasters] / [Determined signs of daily disasters such as bathroom troubles] "assist swing UT-aIZ" outline.

「アシスト・スイング UT-aIZ」は、NSRI、CaCおよびゴールドマン株式会社(代表取締役社長:武藤健太郎)が開発したジェスチャーと顔認証で扉を開閉するシステムで、「UT-aIZ™」のサービスモデル第一弾です。人にあわせて何通りもの開き方を選択できるため、障がいを持つ方や要介護者、両手で荷物を持つ方などこれまでドアを開けにくかった方でも快適な通行を可能にします。セキュリティ機能を確保する顔認証技術も実装し、カードキーやスマホ等を用いることなく安全かつ非接触での入室も実現します。用途は公共施設や商業施設をはじめ、病院施設、福祉施設、ホテルと幅広く、オーナーの要望に合わせて機能や合図のカスタマイズができます。WEBサイト : https://www.nikken-ri.com/idea/inv/asutaiz.html [コンセプト動画(ドアへの応用編/NSRI)

[assist swing commentary video (Goldman Inc).)

Smart Building EXPO Outline

Organizer: RX JaPaN Co., Ltd. Date and time: December 6, 2021 (Monday) to 8 (Wed) 10: 00-18: 00 (End only on the last day only) Venue: Tokyo Big Sight West Exhibition Building * During the period , at the local venue, we will be interviewed by the press of "UT-aIZ ™" and "assist Swing UT-aIZ". If you wish, please let us know the request date and time of your company name ② Yoshito Name ③ Yoshitai ④ E -mail address ⑤ Mobile phone number ⑥ Date of contact. about NSRI (NSRI) is a think tank that provides surveys, planning and consulting operations in the whole lifestyle of architecture and urban lifestyles. Since its founding in 2006, it has been a vision, strategy, and technical proposals since its founding in 2006 with the aim of fusion of urban design and architectural environmental engineering. In the future, we will continue to solve innocent and potential social issues as a member of the Nikken Group with the “Social Environmental Design”. about CaC Co., Ltd. Sea Sea Co., Ltd. (CaC) is an independent system integrator founded in 1966. It uses digital technology to provide valuable services and products that have a positive impact on customers and society, and contribute to digital innovation. Goldman Co., Ltd. offers products in line with International Building Code (International Building Code Law) regarding the "safety, security and convenience" of door peripheral devices. applications are diverse, such as offices, hospitals, schools, hotels, and public facilities. The "assist Swing" (swing -type automatic door) is a representative case, "a" in the United States..D.a.The law is compliant with the provisions of the Disabled Law.The mission of our company is to create an environment that is fair, gentle, safe, and without discrimination.