Digital life
If you know that the Internet is due to the slow Internet, consider reviewing the type and plan of the line.In that case, I would like to consider using various discounted services.
The “Hikari Collaboration Model” (Hikari Collaboration), which is implemented by NTT East and Daiwai Japan, is a mechanism to sell the company's optical lines to other companies.DOCOMO Hikari and Softbank Hikari sell optical lines using this system.In the case of optical line plans using optical collaboration, there is an advantage that switching to the line of other companies can be switched without any action in principle (Fig. 1).
図1 NTT東日本、同西日本の回線を借り受ける「光コラボレーションモデル」を利用した光回線サービスの場合、安価に利用できることがある。ソフトバンク光もその1つ。画面はNTT東日本の提供ページIf you are using a smartphone in DoCoMo, au, and Softbank, we would like to consider discounts that can be received in a set contract with the optical line.You can get a discount for the monthly usage fee for the smartphone for the number of smartphones that are contracted.Each company has a large discount of 1100 yen per smartphone, and the smartphone for the family is counted as a number, so it is a considerable discount amount in the case of a family contract (Figure 2).
図2 NTTドコモ、au、ソフトバンクの携帯電話会社が提供する光回線では、スマホとの同時契約でスマホ1台につき最大月額1100円安くなる。スマホの台数が増えるほど割引額も増えるThe optical line beyond the giga is actually a matter of how fast it will be.Introduced NURO Hikari with a maximum communication speed of 2 gigabit/second (GBPS, 1 billion in giga) at the editorial staff of the Nikkei PC21, it was more than three times faster than FLET'S Hikari with a maximum communication speed of 1Gbps (Figure 3).
図3 最大2Gbps契約のNURO 光と、最大1Gbps契約のフレッツ光で速度を比較した。テストではサーバー上にある1Gバイトのファイルを入手するときのダウンロード速度を計測している。NURO 光がフレッツ光の3倍以上も速かったIn addition, when a line of NURO Hikari 10g was introduced at another editorial house, about 3.The speed of 5Gbps was recorded.The line speed is easy to fluctuate depending on the time of the measured time and region, so these examples are only a guide, but it is certain that switching the line can greatly speed up the net (Figure 4).
図4 最大10Gbpsの「NURO 光 10G」で回線の実効速度を計測したところ、下り約3.5Gbpsも出ていたIn the case of a line exceeding Giga, I would like to check the in -house wiring.If the hub or cable in the house does not support high -speed wired LAN, the speed will decrease.At least, I want to prepare Gigabit Ethernet (Fig. 5, Figure 6).
図5 100Mbpsクラスの高速回線を生かすにはギガビットイーサネットが、ギガ超えの回線を生かすにはマルチギガビットイーサネットや10Gイーサネットが必要。前者はカテゴリー5e以上、後者はカテゴリー6A以上のケーブルが必要図6 例えば、集合住宅に備え付けられた古いハブが100BASE-TX(100Mbps)だと、それが足かせとなり速度が出ない。高速回線を導入したら、これらの機器も高速有線LAN対応の配線や機器に更新するあわせて読みたいThe Wi-Fi environment review router is high-speed and safety is the mainstream.
Wi-Fi Louter Convenient Function If you connect multiple connections, use "6"
今週の人気記事 by MONO TRENDY1Windows 11にしない! 10をサポート切れまで使うワザDigital life2からまるケーブル 見た目の悪さを100均グッズで解消デジタル・フラッシュ3写真で紹介 100均ショップで買えるお得な充電グッズ写真特集4100均で買える充電グッズ ワイヤレス対応もお手ごろデジタル・フラッシュ5写真で紹介 100均ショップで厳選したスマホグッズ13選写真特集 次のページ接続方式を切り替えて現状の回線を高速化1 2 次へ