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Box Enhances Anti-Malware Protection for Box Shield Security Tool

Box Enhances Anti-Malware Protection for Box Shield Security Tool

Box today announced "Malware Deep Scan" as a new feature for Box Shield, its security control and intelligent threat detection solution. The new feature scans files uploaded to Box in near real-time, reducing the risk of ransomware.

The new feature uses deep learning technology and external threat intelligence to analyze files and identify malicious traits in content in near real-time that could disrupt operations. Proactively stop sophisticated malware.

Box, security tool

Malware detection is applied when users upload, update, download, preview, share, copy and move content. By scanning both new content and past content, the risk of malware infection is reduced.

It also analyzes and protects external content accessed by managed users and shared within the organization from external sources. Administrators can disable threat determination for low-risk content as needed to avoid disrupting business workflow.

The company also announced enhancements to Box Shield's alerting capabilities. Specifically, it uses machine learning to detect and warn users of unusual behavioral patterns such as suspicious downloads.

For administrators, we provide more detailed alerting capabilities. This alert explains why Box Shield's machine learning algorithms identified certain behaviors as risky.

These enhancements will give administrators detailed feedback on anomalous behavior, allowing them to take action against potential insider threats.