23 to know about your eyes

23 to know about your eyes

Eye illness is terrible.Just take care of your eyes.

Our eyes are the basic part of the human sensory system, but it is very complicated, which makes it easy to make a little money.This time, I will introduce 23 things that you need to know about your eyes, including 11 things that will be difficult.

Eight surprises about the eyes

1. Eyebrows: There are many functions on the eyebrows, but the best function is to prevent sweat and moisture from getting into the eyes.It also sends information to the nervous system through a hair follicle, detects dangerous microorganisms, plays a role in conveying emotions, and is a landmark that distinguishes the face.

2. Eyelashes: Mammal eyelashes are one -third of the width of the eyes on average.According to researchers who conducted a wind tunnel experiment, eyelashes have served to minimize the wind on the surface of the eyes so that garbage does not evaporate or the tears on the surface of the eyes do not evaporate.

3. Eyeling: The upper and lower eyelids of one eye have 60 My Borm glands, and the upper eyelids have a little more My Bomm glands than the lower eyelids.It seems that oil -based substances are emitted every time a blink, and the surface of the eyes is coated to prevent tears from evaporating.

4. Magic: Ordinary people seem to blink about 16,800 times a day.The spacing between natural blinks is 1/3 seconds, and the spontaneous blinking is 1/2 second.It seems that the observation on the high -speed camera was found much longer than before.

5. Square film: Transparent cornea is the only body tissue in our bodies (to prevent blood vessels from being overlooked).According to the researchers, the cornea is the most gathering of the terminal nerve on the surface of the body, so the pain will be intense.The cornea seems to be enough to induce pain even if only one cell is damaged.

6. Square sensitivity: Doctors use a machine called tactometer to measure the sensitivity of the cornea.This tactile was the first to be made of horse hair in 1894.For scientists who have studied anatomical science, the cornea of the shark resembles our human cornea, so it is very useful to use animal cornea.Shark's cornea also has resistance to swelling, and it remains transparent under many conditions, so it seems that ophthalmologists have successfully transplanted shark cornea into humans and dogs.

7. Tears: The chemical composition of tears depends on the reason we are crying!Photographer Rose-Lynnn Fisher is collecting 100 kinds of tears from tears of sadness to the tears of onions, in a project called The Topology of Tears.Tears are secreted from the tears above the eyes and are classified into three groups.

・ Basic tears play a role in lubricant and moisturizing on a daily basis, and contains antibacterial protein resources and lactoferrin.

・ The tears reflected are tears that come out in response to the throat and irritation of bright light and tear gas.The composition is similar to the basic tears, but the liza team, lactoferrin, and other components come out at a higher concentration.

・ Emotional tears and tears are tears that come out by emotions.Composition depends on whether you are happy or sad.For example, the tears of sadness contain stress -related hormones and components such as painkillers secreted naturally.

8. Kazuki cells: This cell, which is like a glass of a champagne, is scattered behind the white eyes and the back of the eyelids that secrete the main components of the mucous membrane.This cell is also in our intestines.This sticky mucus serves as a base for tears and spreads evenly.

About 11 symptoms where eyebrows rise

1. Bell paralysis is usually a type of facial paralysis that occurs when it is damaged or trauma to affect one side of the face.The symptoms of paralysis were first introduced by a Scottish doctor in the 19th century.It seems that the eyelids are paralyzed and cannot be blinked, so they can be dry and blind.


2. Conjunctiva flaccion is a state where the white eyes that generally occur with aging are relaxed."When a woman wears pantyhose, her ankle may be folded, but it seems that conjunctiva is exactly what is happening under the eyes," said Miami's ophthalmologist Anat Galor.doing.The folded cells block the tear tubes and cause dry eye.

3. Square extension refers to a complication that occurs in surgery such as LASIK and is threatened to visual acuity.A conical angle film is one of the extensions, and is a symptom in which the outside of the cornea swells and becomes conical when the grid of the collagen fiber of the eyes becomes weaker.As a result, the patient is blurred and becomes sensitive to light.

4. ドライアイ疾患は、目を覆う角膜の表面と涙フィルムが破壊された状態のことを言います。研究者たちは、今でも目が乾くという一番代表的な症状を引き起こす原因について議論しているそうです。ドライアイは、レーシックの術後に起こる一般的な症状なんだそう。The Tear Film & Ocular Surface Societyによると、1億4000万人のコンタクトレンズ装用者のうち、毎年1700万から7100万の人たちがコンタクトレンズをやめているという事実からドライアイの不快感が大きな原因だろうということです。

5. Floppy eyelid syndrome has been often found in overweight patients and is associated with sleep apnea.This symptom can easily turn over the upper eyelids, leading to chronic itching and inflammation.

6. Horny inflammation or corneal inflammation is caused by scratches and long -term contact lenses, infectious disease, viruses, fungi, amoeba and parasites.If you do not treat quickly, you may have corneal ulcers or blindness.

7. Many ophthalmologists are considered to be the number one cause of dry eye.The oil that covers the outer surface of the tear film cannot be fully produced, causing clogging and inflammatory glands caused by the overvapping of tears causes pain in the cornea.

8. The name of the neuropathy is a coined word created by Boston's ophthalmologist Perry Rosenthal, but the eyes caused by the nerve that caused functional failure, just below the surface of the corneal caused by the overreaction of the tear film.It refers to the pain of.

9. Eye face -faced neuropathy is also a coined word created by the above Perry Rosenthal.It is a pain caused by damaging the pain route in the brain or dysfunction that goes out through the three -part and three -way and three -way nervous system of the face.In addition to sharp eye pain, it may suffer from light sensitivity, chin pain, migraine, and other head and face symptoms.

10. Shaglen syndrome causes autoimmune diseases such as systemic elitematos and rheumatoid arthritis.The mouth and eyes are dried to cause tears and saliva secretion.

11. Stevens Johnson Syndrome is a fatal allergic reaction caused by medicine and infection, which causes painful flashes in the throat, nasal cavity, and corneal.

Four private treatments for tears

1. Eye ointments: In a medical book called the old Bald's Leechbook, which was recently stored in the British Library, there was a description of the 10th century drug called "Eyestrand".It was surprisingly rediscovered not only to cure things, but also had the effect of sterilizing modern "Super Bug" and methicillin -resistant yellow pacis (MRSA).

Scientists who are "surprised and can't say anything" reproduced the ointment as part of the AncientBiotics project of the University of Nottingham.It seems that the ointment was made in detail when it was mixed with garlic, leek, wine, and cow bile, aged and fermented in a bronze pan for 9 days, strained with a cloth and applied to the eyes with wings.

2. Remove the clogged glands: If you glance, this clogged miibomic gland treatment equipment looks like a medieval torture machine.It looks painful with a pretty rough construction.First, put a small stainless steel spatula called Mastrota Paddle between the eyes and the eyelids, and squeeze secretions like toothpaste.At first it seems that a cotton swab was used.In other methods called maskin probes, doctors insert a needle into each gland by hand, or press the eyelids to squeeze the glands by pressing the eyelids with a small cotton swab.

North Carolina's pharmaceutical company Tearscience has developed another treatment called Lipiflow.A method of attaching a eyelid eyepiece to warm and massage to remove the clogging inside the eyelid.According to Donald Korb, a co -founder of the company and ophthalmologist, the treatment for 12 minutes has alleviated many patients' eye pain.However, it seems that this treatment costs $ 1,500 (about 180,000 yen) at a time, and it must be repeated once every one or two years.

3. Strong film lens: In the 1880s, a strong film lens made of sprayed glass was developed in Germany and Switzerland.This was placed on the thorough film of the eyes (a white tissue surrounding a fairly sensitive part of the cornea).The first model was completely covered with eyes, so it could only be installed for a short period.The more sophisticated version is made of breathable acrylic, and looks like a pool of an artificial tear solution containing a lot of oxygen.It seems that it can prevent evaporation because it plays a role like a reservoir.

The Boston Diginal Lens (currently called PROSE), created by ophthalmologist PERRY Rosenthal, has helped the eyesight recovery of patients who have become blind in corneal diseases.It also seems to help reduce the chronic pain derived from dry eye for those whose eyelids are no longer closed for complications and plastic surgery after LASIK.

4. Moisture Goggles: How to make moisture goggles dates back in 1946.According to a recent study, it can minimize the stimuli caused by the glass lens to touch the air and protect your eyes from drying.Some doctors instruct them to wear goggles 24 hours a day to reduce the stress on the damaged cornea.In consideration of the purchase cost of a new model, some patients make handmade goggles with lap films and surgical tabes.

Our eyes that work as a matter of course.It is delicate at the same time as it plays various roles.I have to take care of it.

Image by Michele Catania

Bryn Nelson -Gizmodo US [Original text]
