Reprinted from Giz Mode Japan
A great guy that can be used for a long time.
Popular portable power supply."Potaen".Various models have appeared, but recent trends have a long life.Even if you use a lot, you can use it for a long time!High durability models that are easy to introduce in the daily life are popular.
Anker's new model, "Anker 521 Portable Power Station (PowerHOUSE 256WH)" released today is also such a high durability model.
The biggest feature is that the lithium -ionic battery, the first of the Pota Electric of Anker, was used.This achieves a long life (a charging and discharge cycle until the maximum capacity is reduced to 80 %).
Of course, you can feel safe as an emergency power supply.You can take it to the weekend camp.Aiming for peak shifts for charging PCs and gadgets!
The point is that you can use it in everyday life.
It is noteworthy that the battery capacity is a compact model of 256WH (80,000 mAh), and it is easy to take out.
Although it is small, 2 ports are 2 ports for Sine wave-compatible AC output (200W-momentary 600W) and USB-A.The USB-C is one port and a cigar socket 1 port, and the output of a total of 6 ports seems to be convenient.The USB-C can be output at a maximum of 60W, so the charge of the PC is perfect.
The price of "Anker 521 Portable Power Station (PowerHouse 256Wh)" that seems to be easy to use in this daily life is 24,800 yen, starting today.
At Amazon, the point reduction of 2,480 yen as a commemorative sale of sales is 10 % off!
The sale is limited to 200 units, so if you yearn for a casual Pota Electric Life, secure it as soon as possible!
Anker 521 Portable Power Station (PowerHouse 256Wh) (ポータブル電源 大容量 256Wh)【リン酸鉄リチウムイオン電池 / 6倍長寿命バッテリー / 高耐久 / AC200W / 純正弦波/PowerIQ 3.0 (Gen2)搭載 / ◇PSE技術基準適合】キャンプ アウトドア 車中泊 緊急 防災/非常用電源/バッテリー24,800 yen
By the way, here is the corresponding Anker 100W solar panel "Anker PowerSolar 3-Port 100W".The sense of security when preparing it in a set seems to be amazing!
Anker PowerSolar 3-Port 100W(ソーラーパネル DC7909端子対応 & USBポート搭載)【合計最大出力100W / 折りたたみ可能 / DC7909端子 / USB-Aポート/USB-Cポート/ソーラーチャージャー】キャンプ アウトドア 防災 ポータブル電源 太陽の位置測定器 高出力 PowerIQ PowerHouse II 400 800 対応29,800 yen
Source: Anchor Japan, Amazon