Endless music if there is a sun!"Solarbank BoomBox" suitable for outdoor

Endless music if there is a sun!"Solarbank BoomBox" suitable for outdoor

A portable speaker that is perfect for going out!

"Solarbank Boombox", which appeared on the sister site Machi-YA, is a speaker and mobile battery with solar charging.

As long as the sun is out, you can play music endlessly, so it seems to be useful for camping and outdoors!

Let's check immediately!

Reliable with 2 roles per unit

"Solarbank Boombox" is the main function of Bluetooth speakers, but can also be used as a mobile battery with solar charging.

It has a sense of size that does not bother carrying, and the benefits of solar charging, so it is good for outdoor use such as camping.

   太陽があればエンドレスミュージック! アウトドアに適したスピーカー「Solarbank Boombox」

Endless playback with sunlight

Although solar power itself is not so rare, "Solarbank Boombox" is characterized by its power generation efficiency that can charge two hours of speaker in one hour.

Although it depends on the amount of sunlight, the solar charging speed is faster than the power consumption of the speaker, so if you are in the sun, you can fully enjoy the time and party time with music!

The solar panel works even on cloudy days.The charging speed seems to be inferior to direct sunlight, but it seems that it can be used indoors in the sunshine.

Can also be used as a battery

The performance as a mobile battery is reasonable, and the capacity is 10,000 mAh, per middle class.

It depends on the model, but if you are a smartphone, you can charge 3-4 times.Because of the solar charging function, it seems that it can be used as an emergency battery in case of emergency such as disasters and power outages.

Equipped with two USB Type-A ports for power supply, and can charge two units at the same time.In recent years, there are many products other than smartphones, so multiple ports may be essential.

The mobile battery "Solarbank Boombox", which integrates solar charging functions and high-quality speakers, is currently conducting campaigns on crowdfunding site Machi-YA.

At the time of writing, it was possible to order from 13,500 yen (including tax and shipping) of 20 % off in limited quantities, so if you like camps and BBQ, why not check them out?

>> Click here for details of the mobile speaker "Solarbank Boombox" that plays three roles!


Yes R: Machiya, Yotsube