Under the newly launched Infinity Lab, we announced new products such as mobile batteries and chargers.
As for how sustainable it is, 90% of the plastic used is recycled. In addition, recycled polyester is woven into the cable.
There are also four types of mobile batteries with built-in cables, and you can choose the cable type from USB-C or Lightning, and the battery capacity from 5000mAh or 10,000mAh.
For those who want to easily charge their smartphones on the go, there is also a mobile battery that supports wireless charging. Again, the capacity can be selected from 5000mAh or 10,000mAh, and the maximum output is 18W or 30W.In addition to Qi, there is also a wireless charging stand equipped with USB-C and USB-A, and a speakerphone equipped with a noise canceling function, making it a diverse lineup.
Many consumers have become more concerned about the burden on the environment due to the increasing severity of natural disasters year by year, and the Infinity Lab series seems to be a product that appeals to such highly conscious people.