─ Announcement of cancer that was taboo 20 years ago.It's natural now.
In 1990, when working at a hospital in Yokohama, the director announced to the lung cancer patient, saying, "I have to say it."At that time, we were only announced at the hospital.If you say to everyone or not, let's say it to everyone.If you hit the same anticancer drug, you will eventually lose your patient.
When one wind hole opened, the announcement spread at once.That was around 2000.Now, some doctors say, "It's three months away."In the past, I was worried about how to talk, such as extremely harsh pancreas, but now I don't have to worry too much.Doctor's patentarism (father -like passion) has been denied, and it is decided that the doctor should not decide for the patient and leave it all to the patient's self -determination.
─ Even if you are told to decide yourself.
You're in trouble.The patient says, "I'll leave it to the teacher," and today's doctor returns, "I don't want to be left to you."If you say surgery, the success rate is 20 %, so it's your life, so it's true that you decide on your own.
里見清一(さとみ・せいいち)●1961年生まれ。本名・國頭英夫(くにとう・ひでお)。1986年東京大学医学部卒業。国立がんセンター中央病院内科などを経て現職。日本癌学会・日本臨床腫瘍学会・日本肺癌学会評議員。著書に『偽善の医療』『衆愚の病理』『希望という名の絶望―医療現場から平成ニッポンを診断する』ほか。I realized that it was different to impose self -determination on patients 30 years ago, with the authority of esophageal cancer, Franz Ingelphinger.He is a leader and has more information than anyone, but cannot decide.After all, I left everything to a competent colleague.He wrote in the manuscript, "Doctors must be responsible for themselves. Do not let the patient bear. Doctors who do not try to present specific measures by making full use of their own experiences are not worth the title of the doctor."I did it.
Respect for self -determination is easy as a doctor's escape.Even if the surgery failed, I was sorry, but I said in advance the probability of failure.
──It has been stated that Satomi does not believe in the patient's self -determination.
The intention of the person changes rapidly.Can you decide on it?There is no one who laughs and dies with no responsibility or regrets to do whatever they do because they have decided."At that time, I wanted my teacher to say good surgery."I regret what I decided on my own.
I often tell the patient, "I go with that treatment, but that's what I decided."I decided on OK, so if it gets worse, I will take responsibility and think about the next measure.Even if the patient chosen, if the result is not all right, the doctor should decide to do this next.