Easy to security your home by warning + notification email -"Mimamori Home Security 101HW"

Easy to security your home by warning + notification email -"Mimamori Home Security 101HW"

 SoftBank Mobile's "Mimamori Home Security 101HW" (Huawei) is a home security terminal aimed at using it easily at home, and consists of three devices: the main body, opening and closing sensor, and remote control.The opening and closing sensor is installed on the door or window at home, the main unit is installed at home, and the body is operated with the button or remote control of the main unit.There is no need for construction at the time of installation, and the introduction of a security company -based service is targeted at users who feel that the hurdles are high.

「みまもりホームセキュリティ 101HW」下部のパネルを開けるとテンキーと十字キーが現れる

 When you go out, just press the "Out" button to watch the absence and start security.When a third party invades, it detects the opening and closing of the door and window.After that, if the password cannot be canceled after the set time, a loud alarm (up to 85 dB) will sound and intimidate the intruder (the volume can be set from 5 levels).After that, an abnormal notification email will be sent from the main unit to the mobile phone or smartphone by SMS.When you return home, you can operate from the remote control or enter a password on the main unit to release the security.In the "home" mode, the alarm sounds when the door and window are opened and closed.

警報+お知らせメールで手軽に自宅を警備――「みまもりホームセキュリティ 101HW」

 In addition, it has a safety confirmation function assuming that elderly parents live in the distance.If the opening and closing sensor does not detect movement for a certain period of time, the notification email will be sent by SMS.When a child returns home, when a child returns home, if you enter a PIN on the main unit, it will also provide a function to send a notification email to the registered mobile phone in advance by SMS, and you can easily confirm the child's safety.

 Up to 20 SMS sending destinations can be registered, and other companies other than SoftBank can register.However, the SMS transmission / receiving fee is free for SoftBank terminals, but if you send it to another company mobile phone, 3 per copy..It costs 15 yen.There is no MMS and a call function.The distance between the sensor remote control and the main unit is valid up to about 100 meters.You can also purchase an additional sensor and remote control, and you can register up to 16 pieces for each unit.It also supports Earthquake Early Warning.

 The body has a built -in 2200mAh battery and operates for about 5 hours without an AC adapter.When the AC cable of the main unit is pulled out, the mobile phone is notified.

 The basic usage fee for Mimamori Home Security 101HW is 490 yen per month.The release is scheduled for January 2012.

みまもりホームセキュリティ 101HWの本体(写真=左)。左からリモコン、センサー、(ドアなどにセンサーを貼り付けるための)シール(写真=右)使い方の一例。センサーを窓枠に取り付けると、開閉を察知してアラームを鳴らし、異常を通知する。センサーは単四乾電池2本で動く※追記時に「センサーは単三乾電池2本で動く」と記述していましたが、単三乾電池ではなく単四乾電池でした。お詫びして訂正いたします(9/30 15:32)。デモではスマートフォンを使用(写真=左)。異常通知メールの内容(写真=右)
みまもりホームセキュリティ 101HWの主な仕様
機種名みまもりホームセキュリティ 101HW

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