Babilon-Mobile establishes a complete mobile network in Tajikistan and chooses Baicells as the main base station provider for 4G and 5G

Babilon-Mobile establishes a complete mobile network in Tajikistan and chooses Baicells as the main base station provider for 4G and 5G

AsiaNet 93338 (3023)

【プレイノ(米テキサス州)2021年11月30日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】LTEおよび5G無線接続ソリューションで世界をリードするメーカーのBaicellsは、タジキスタン有数のモバイル通信事業者であるBabilon-Mobile( )との契約に署名した。同契約により、Baicellsはドゥシャンベ、ホジェンドなどの都市に向けた数百の4Gおよび5Gの基地局をBabilon-Mobileに提供する。Babilon-Mobileは今後3カ月間で数百の基地局を展開する予定である。


In the mobile market in Tajikistan, the transition to mobile broadband is accelerating. Through the mobile deployment of Babilon-Mobile, more communities in Tajikistan can access 4G connections, opening the door for the future development of 5G wireless infrastructure.

Babilon-Mobile chose Baicells's innovative products for this deployment because of disruptive prices, large support teams, and 5G transition capabilities. Baicells has some of the most cost-effective base stations in the world, and the total cost of ownership can be reduced by up to 40-50% compared with traditional solutions, increasing Babilon-Mobile 's investment profit margin. Baicells will put in a large team to support Babilon-Mobile 's network deployment and accelerate deployment-oriented setup. The base stations provided by Baicells are fully capable of upgrading the network to 5G by Babilon-Mobile in the near future, which will protect the company's investment.

"We are very pleased and honored to be selected as Babilon-Mobile in the entire 4G network and 5G construction in the near future," said Bai Wei General Manager of Baicells International Business. I believe that Baicells's innovative solutions will support the establishment of a network representing Tajikistan for our important customers and partners. "


Firdays F. of Babilon-Mobile. "We believe that Baicells will contribute to building a high-quality LTE network with a sustainable and long-term support structure," said the director.

About Baicells

Baicells is an international company that provides 4G LTE and 5G NR access solutions using innovative technologies at disruptive prices, connecting more than 50 countries.

About Babilon-Mobile

Babilon-Mobile has been operating as a mobile operator in Tajikistan since January 1, 2003, providing a full range of modern services to contractors.

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Max Hahn

Source: Baicells technology