In the first part of this series, we introduced what is what it should be.The concept of "the result is the same whether a certain operation is performed once or multiple times", for example, the real number should be 0 and 1 (there is ...
Coleman Japan will sell 4 models of dry batteries and rechargeable lanterns in February 2022.Dry cell -style "Battery Guard LED Lanin/1000" "Battery Guard LED Lantern/600" "Battery Guard LED Lanta ...
It is no wonder that a large earthquake occurs anywhere.Unlike storms, it is difficult to predict and predict an earthquake.How quickly it is detected and responded is the point of disaster prevention such as BCP measures."Mielka Disaster Prevention" earthquake alarm system "...
Apple's Mac lasts a long time, but you still have to say goodbye someday.If you've been in a machine trouble so far, you'll use a little more machine you are using now, when to buy a new MacBook ...
Frequently read articles new article [Final update] SE 3, M1 iPad Air, Mac Studio related products are announced!The iPhone SE (3rd generation) is not reduced in price ~ Magsafe compatible, extended drive time or iPad Air (5th generation) M1, 128GB, Wi-Fi including tax 62, ...
In the past few years, items that have rapidly emerged among the start -up items such as batteries are a mobile battery with a jump starter function.However, on the other hand, when I hear the trouble at the time of use, I am concerned about its safety / reliability ...
How to increase the efficiency of smartphone wireless charging wireless charging is convenient, but the charging speed is difficult.Yes, as described in past articles, wireless charging is very inefficient.In particular, compared to conventional wired charging, ...
Kyocera Co., Ltd. has launched an IoT position information device "Beacon -compatible GPS Tracker" compatible with Bluetooth beacon and GPS.This product is BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) Bee ...
If you dry it with wind and sunlight, your hair will be shiny.A newly technical dryer "ZUVI H ... from a startup company in Hong Kong, launched by former DJI's executive executive officer of DJI, a former Executive Officer of DJI.
Before the SoftBank Air (SoftBank Air) contract, you want to know reputation and word -of -mouth information.Here is the result of summarizing the reputation of SoftBank Air in 2022!<Overall evaluation of SoftBank Air> Evaluation Comments ...
EMIRAI XS DRIVE Mitsubishi Electric on December 20, "EMIRAI XS DRIVE", a concept car that is equipped with headlight distribution control technology in cooperation with crew monitoring technology and ADAS (advanced driving support system) devices that detect drivers' physical condition sudden changes...
Due to the expansion of demand for manufacturing equipment such as implementation machines, the production industry has been booming due to the shortage of parts due to the shortage of parts, and the manufacturing equipment has been steadily renewing the highest sales ever.In particular, China has been performing well, and Southeast Asia is also Corona ...
The rear camera is available in two types that you can choose according to your preference.[Out of vehicles] MDR-G006A, [In-vehicle installation type] MDR-G006B power supply can be obtained from the cigar socket, so it is easy to install.Each one to the end of the year to the large sales of the year ...
TRANS-SYNERGY TRADING, an import and wholesale department, which is a new business of Toro Pharmacy (Headquarters: Satsumakawauchi City, Kagoshima Prefecture, Representative Director: Rieko Nagayama), who has been working on dispensing pharmacies and health salons so far, is fully automatic.Smart trash can "TOWNEW ...
Shooting = Naoki Tsukamoto's iPhone 13 series has evolved in various aspects from the previous model, but what was particularly emphasized at the announcement event was the longest battery duration in history (for iPhone 13 Pro Max).How correct this is ...