The latest digital device review of small and lightweight Toda who overwhelms the conventional model of the anchor

The latest digital device review of small and lightweight Toda who overwhelms the conventional model of the anchor


Digital flash

Ankerから新たに登場した「GaN II」半導体搭載の充電器3製品。いずれも非常にコンパクトで外出時の荷物が減ること間違いなしだ

When carrying laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc., they often carry a charger (including AC adapters) together.PCs are getting lighter, but luggage will not decrease if the charger remains large.In particular, many PC chargers exceed 200 grams, which are bulky, so they get in the way in the bag.

What I want to pay attention to is the anker charger.The company has adopted gallium nitride (GAN) as a semiconductor to reduce the charger.The GAN semiconductor can demonstrate high power in a small area and highly durable than the silicon semiconductor that was generally used.

Anker is a manufacturer that first adopted the GAN semiconductor as a charger.Recently, other companies have followed, and chargers using GAN semiconductors have become common.Therefore, Anker released the "Anker Nano LL" series that uses the further evolved "GAN II" semiconductor.

アンカーの新型充電器 従来モデルを圧倒する小型軽量戸田覚の最新デジタル機器レビュー

If the charger has the same performance, it is better to be smaller.This time, I will introduce the "Anker Nano LL" series in detail.

3 models are prepared by output

The "Anker Nano LL" series has a total of three models.Both have a black body, with a dark silver badge with a dark front part.There is a sense of luxury in the charger, and it looks like "high performance".

The three differences are output, each with 30 watts, 45 watts, and 65 watts.Models with small outputs are smaller and cheaper.

Which output model is appropriate depends on the charging device.The 30 watt model supports many smartphones and tablets.Ideal for Apple's "MacBook Air" on a personal computer.

The 45 watt model is suitable for many mobile notebooks.The 65 watt model is suitable for high -performance models of mobile notebooks.All compatible with the common charging standard for personal computers and smartphones, "USB PowerDelivery (USB PD)", so it is okay to use a high -power model for equipment that can be charged with small output.In other words, if it is compatible with USB PD, you can charge your smartphone with a 65 watt model.


Master a compact and cheap commercial computer charger

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